Except Ye Repent
By Dr. Harry Ironside (1876-1951)
Chapter 1 - Repentance: Its Nature and Importance
Chapter 2 - The Book of Repentance
Chapter 3 - John's Baptism of Repentance
Chapter 4 - Christ's Call to Repent
Chapter 5 - The Ministry of Peter
Chapter 6 - The Ministry of Paul
Chapter 7 - Repentance Not to Be Repented of
Chapter 8 - Repentance from Dead Works
Chapter 9 - Repentance in the Apocalypse
Chapter 10 - They Repented Not
Chapter 11 - Does God Ever Repent?
Chapter 12 - Impossible to Renew Unto Repentance
Chapter 13 - Repentance and Forgiveness
Chapter 14 - Hopeless Repentance
Chapter 15 - City-Wide Repentance
Chapter 16 - The Preaching that Produces Repentance
Chapter 17 - But Is Repentance Desirable?
Fully convinced in my own mind that the doctrine of repentance is the missing note in many otherwise orthodox and fundamentally sound circles today, I have penned this volume out of a full heart. I hope and pray that God will be pleased to use it to awaken many of His servants to the importance of seeking so to present His truth as to bring men to the only place where He can meet them in blessing. That place is the recognition of their own demerit and absolute unworthiness of His least mercies and a new conception of His saving power for all who come to Christ as lost sinners, resting alone upon His redemptive work for salvation, and depending upon the indwelling Holy Spirit to make them victorious over sin's power in daily life.
The pages have been written during a busy summer, as I have gone from place to place trying to preach and teach the very truths herein emphasized. Most of the book was scribbled out in Pullman cars while speeding from one appointment to another. If there seems at times to be lack of continuity of thought, I hope the manifest defects of the treatise may not hinder the reader from getting the message I have endeavored to set forth as clearly as possible, under difficult circumstances.
I have not written for literary critics or for theological quibblers, but for earnest people who desire to know the will of God and to do it. And so I send forth this book, in dependence on Him who has said, "Cast thy bread upon the waters: and thou shalt find it after many days." If He be pleased to use it to arouse some at least to a deeper sense of the importance of reality in dealing with souls, I shall be grateful.
Harry A. Ironside