New International Version Vocabulary Test
(let's see how well you do?)
Difficult Words in the NIV
Proponents of the modern corrupt Bible translations claim that the King James Bible's vocabulary is too antiquating and hard to understand. They make these accusations against the King James Bible in an attempt to justify publishing "newer" and "easier to understand" Bibles. As you will quickly discover below, the New International Version (NIV) is NOT easier to understand. "New" is not always a better thing. In the case of the NIV, it is much worse!
Below is a sampling of difficult words found in the New International Version.
abashed, abominable, abutted, acclaim, adder, adhere, admonishing, advocate, alcove, algum, allocate, allots, ally, aloes, appease, ardent, armlets, arrayed, astir, atonement, awl, banishment, battlements, behemoth, belial, bereaves, betrothed, bier, blighted, booty, brayed, breaching, breakers, buffeted, burnished, calamus, capital (not a city), carnelian, carrion, centurions, chasm, chronic, chrysolite, cistern, citadel, citron, clefts, cohorts, colonnades, complacency, coney, concession, congealed, conjure, contrite, convocations, crest, cors, curds, dandled, dappled, debauchery, decimated, deluged, denarii, depose, derides, despoil, dire,dispossess, disrepute, dissipation, distill, dissuade, divination, dragnet, dropsy, duplicity, earthenware, ebony, emasculate, emission, encroach, enmity, enthralled, entreaty, ephod, epicurean, ewe, excrement, exodus, factions, felled, festal, fettered, figurehead, filigree, flagstaff, fomenting, forded, fowler, gadfly, galled, gird, gauntness, gecko, gloating, goiim, harrowing, haunt, hearld, henna, homers, hoopoe, ignoble, impaled, implore, incur, indignant, insatiable, insolence, intact, invoked, jambs, joists, jowls, lairs, lamentation, leviathan, libations, loins, magi, manifold, maritime, mattocks, maxims, mina, misdemeanor, mother-of-pearl, mustering, myrtles, naive, naught, Negev, Nephilim, nettles, nocturnal, nomad, notorious, Nubians, oblivion, obsolete, odious, offal, omer, oracles, overweening, parapet, parchments, pavilion, peals (noun, not the verb), perjurers, perpetuate, pestilence, pinions, phylacteries, plumage, pomp, porphyry, portent, potsherd, proconsul, propriety, poultice, Praetorium, pretext, profligate, promiscuity, provincial, providence, qualm, quarries, quivers (noun, not verb), ramparts, ransacked, ratified, ravish, rabble, rawboned, relish (not for hotdogs), recoils, recount, refrain, relent, rend, reposes, reprimanded, reputed, retinue, retorted, retribution, rifts, roebucks, rue, sachet, satraps, sated, shipwrights, siegeworks, sinews, sistrums, sledges, smelted, somber, soothsayer, sovereignty, spelt, stadia, stench, stipulation, sullen, tamarisk, tanner, temperate, tether, tetrarch, terebinth, thresher, throes, thronged, tiaras, tinder, tracts, transcends, tresses, turbulent, tyrannical, unscathed, unrelenting, usury, vassal, vaunts, vehemently, verdant, vexed, wadi, wanton, warranted, wield, winnowing and wrenched.
The "New" International Version is BAD NEWS!
- The New International PERversion (Read about the HIV bible here)
- If Any Man Love Not the Lord Jesus Christ (If you love Jesus, then destroy your NIV perversion)
- NIV Blasphemy! (Micah 5:2 in the NIV teaches that Jesus had an origin, a beginning)
- Why Would Anyone Use the NIV? (say goodbye to the words: regeneration, mercyseat, Calvary, devils, Jehovah, immutable, omnipotent, Comforter, Holy Ghost, Messiah, quickened, infallible, damnation, devils, remission, etc)
- New NIV TEEN STUDY BIBLE Exposed! | Lilith in the NIV? | Should We Trust the NIV?
NIV Old Testament Chairman, Dr. Marten Woudstra, a Sodomite/Homosexual! - Virginia Mollenkott, sodomite, radical feminist, and member of the NIV Translating Committee!
- Why is the word "sodomite" missing from the NIV?
- The Damnable NIV (Lordship Salvation is rooted in the NIV, in their perversion of Romans 10:9)
- NIV Vocabulary Test (Let's see how well you do?) | The NIV Nazi Connection
- Harper Collins Publishes NIV and Satanic Bible |
May The Force Be With You - What Do the NIV, Satan, and Gay Sex Have in Common?
- Who were Westcott and Hort? | Westcott and Hort: Translator's Beliefs
- Zondervan and Satan Shares Parents (Doesn't it seem odd to anyone with a brain and a love for Christ that the world's largest Bible publisher (Zondervan) is owned by the SAME company, HarperCollins, that publishes The Satanic Bible and The Joy of Gay Sex." Every pastor and Christian using the NIV are supporting these demonic publications.)
- 300 Changes in the NIV and Other Modern Versions
- Homosexuality and the NIV (Details on this influence in the translation process of the New International Version.)
- Which Bible verses did the NIV delete? (The Jehovah's Witness' "Bible" deletes the EXACT same verses! ALL of 'em! The JW New World Translation comes from same Greek as the NIV does! The JW Interlinear Greek New Testament is based upon the Greek of Westcott and Hort, openly admitted in front of the publication. This is unbelievable folks! Destroy your NIV.)
- The NIV and the NASB are the Same bibles as the Jehovah Witnesses' New World Translation
- NIV is a Really Bad Translation, (Part One), (Part Two) (by Richard Bacon. Gives several examples of translation blunders in the New International Version. Originally posted on the FIDO messages system.)
- Isn't "Easter" in Acts 12:4 a mistranslation? | More on Acts 12:4
- NIV chips away at vital doctrines about Jesus | Is the New International Version trustworthy?
- NIV reader, take the NIV Bible Quiz! (Let all your NIV-reading friends take it!)
- The NIV calls Lucifer "Jesus" (if you can still read the NIV after looking at this AND praying the prayer at the end of the article, you are lost.)
- Should I John 5:7 be in the King James Bible?
- NIV Changes Masculine Words and Makes Them Masculine and Feminine--Accurate? (this was written in 1997)
- NIV goes hog wild with gender inclusivity. (The next step, they'll make God "our Mother" or "our Parent" like the antichrist liberals.)
- NIV and the New Age Movement (by Gail Riplinger)
- The following powerful Real Audio sermons defending the King James Bible are by Dr. Al Lacy:
- NIV Publisher (Zondervan) is OWNED by people who publish THE SATANIC BIBLE! (This is an email from a brother who was fired from a "Christian" bookstore for asking about this relationship.
- NIV and NASB Agree with Jehovah Witness' Bible (side-by-side comparison. By the way, if you look inside the front cover of the "Greek Interlinear New Testament" which the Jehovah Witnesses use--It says in black and white that their Greek text is based on the work of Westcott and Hort.)
- Paid NIV Literary Critic, Virginia Mollenkott, an Unnatural/Lesbian
- NIV and Homosexuality (The word "sodomite" has been completely removed!)
- "Why isn't the word 'sodomite' in the NIV?" (Handiwork of NIV sodomite translators!)
- Archaic words in the NIV | "Ain't Nothin' Wrong with the NIV!!!"
- How the NIV Perverts the Word of God (NIV turns Jesus into Lucifer!!!)
- "But My NIV Says Catholics Are Christians and I believe it!"
- New Versions Say Jesus is in Danger of the Judgment
- "The NIV Almost Killed My Faith in Christ!" | The New International Version Exposed
- NIV Says David Didn't Kill Goliath! | NIV Says there is no Calvary!
- Former NIV reader says NIV alienates the Father and the Son
- NIV Says False Prophets Should "Emasculate" Themselves
- The 19th Century Occult Revival
The King James Bible Defended!