The Barren CCM Industry
By David J. Stewart
2007 | Updated August 2014
“A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.” —Matthew 7:18
Photo to Right: Apostate religious rocker, Toby Mac (real name: Toby McKeehan), who is an enemy of God. James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”
Toby Mac is a total sellout. Check out his New World Order album, “EYE ON IT.” You won't find a more barren group these days than the Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) crowd. Boy, they sure can sing great music, but did you bring anyone to Christ? Buy, Amy Grant sure can wow the crowd with her euphoric music, but has she ever led anyone to the Lord? Check and you will sadly find, that the CCM group is spiritually childless. Oh sure, their music is used to draw worldly people into worldly churches, which plague the world, but I'm talking about being born-again. Third Day sings about the phrase “born-again,” and butchers the word.
Please understand that I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose the demonic nature of so-called “Christian rock” and “Christian Hip Hop” music. The issue is not so much about the performers personally; but rather, about the worldly music they claim to sing in Jesus' name.
The Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) industry is saturated by satanic Rock 'N' Roll and is evil to the core. As a consequence, America has become infested with religious mutants (evil fruit). I don't know of any so-called Christian “rockers” who are loyal to the trustworthy King James Bible. Just like modern corrupt versions of the Bible, so have CCM rockers erred from the Biblical faith. Their only priority is making lots of money. No doubt most would deny this claim, but their actions speak for themselves. In Matthew 6:24 Jesus warned that NO MAN can SERVE God and mammon (wealth). I don't care who you are, you are either going to make decisions based upon what God desires or what is going to bring in the most money. This is what the Lord said.
Everyone who serves money dips-their-sails in sinful compromise, taking painstaking effort to void offending anyone. When you decide to honor and serve God, then money is not an issue and there is no worry, hesitation or concern about offending people. A godly preacher is a preacher who seeks only to please God and is not concerned about offending anyone by his stand for God, truth and morality. God didn't attempt to kowtow to anyone in the Bible; but rather, God is brutally honest, telling it like it is, like it or lump it, take it or leave it!!! Bless God, that's the way it ought to be in our lives, families and churches when it comes to doing right!
Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” God tells us not to be conformed to this world. The Greek word for “conformed” here is “suschematizo” and means “to fashion alike, i.e. conform to the same pattern.” Is this not what Toby Mac and other religious Hip Hoppers are doing? Yes, exactly so! They are fashioning themselves to the sinful world. The lame excuse is that worldly music will lure worldly teenagers to Christ, but that is a lie of the Devil. Worldly music only lures worldly teenagers to more worldliness. Those teens aren't coming to Jesus Christ, they're coming to repackaged worldly music. Take away the world and they'll stop coming! There's nothing wrong with using honest promotions, big days, contests and rewards to attract folks into church; but it is always wrong to lower one's standards and compromise doctrines in order to increase attendance.
The heathen world has actually invented a new, contemporary religion that is based in contemporary marketing techniques and expressed in contemporary entertainment genres. It is inherently narcissistic (i.e., Characteristic of those having an inflated idea of their own importance), because it is worship the way I want it, in ways that please me.
In designing this sort of worship, we ask the question, “How would a congregation of secular people like to be entertained?” We never ask the question, "How would God prefer to be entertained?" In this sort of worship, the congregation has usurped the role of audience, a role that properly belongs to God. In effect, the congregation is worshiping itself!
There's not a more unfruitful group of professed Christians in the world than the modern worship CCM gang. It's apostasy! Jesus said in Mark 4:18-19, “And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, And the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.”
Jesus' Words describe contemporary Christian artists today exactly, i.e., they have been CHOKED by the cares and riches of this world. It's all about money, fame, and playing the game to get ahead. These people are imposters, out to make money, and could care less if anyone gets saved, and admit so...
Amy Grant, queen of the apostate CCM world, said...
“I’m a singer, not a preacher. I’M NOT LOOKING TO CONVERT ANYBODY. I feel people come to hear my music, not to hear me talk” (Amy Grant, St. Petersburg Times, Florida, April 7, 1984, p. 4).
What a lame cop-out Amy. How could ANY professed Christian, who believes that there is a Hell, say that they're not concerned about lost souls? Amy's been choked by the riches, pleasures and cares of this world (Luke 8:14), and she'll be a pauper in Heaven if she's even a Christian. Amy Grant has spent her life making light of sin...
“CHRISTIANS CAN BE SEXY. What I’m doing is a good thing” (Amy Grant, interview, People, July 15, 1991).
Amy Grant is a horrible influence upon young Christian woman everywhere. God only knows how many lives Miss Grant has destroyed with her heathen influence and rebellious attitude. Listen to Amy's twisted mentality...
[The following is Amy’s own description of her actions before a crowd of 30,000 young people in Kissimmee, Florida, in 1978.] “We’re sitting there, I do my sound check. All these girls are in halter tops, great figures, everybody's wearing nothing, we’re in Floriday [her way of pronouncing Florida]. I’m eighteen, and I know what they’re thinking. I said, ‘I really want to know Jesus and I really want to love him except … my hormones are on ten, and I see you all … sitting out there getting chummy and praying together -- and WE’RE HORNY. MY FEELING IS, WHY FAKE IT? I’m not trying to be gross, I’m saying let’s be honest about what’s coming down’” (Bob Millard, Amy Grant, 1986, p. 103).
Amy Grant claims that God isn't big enough to solve everyone's problems...
“I’ve become disillusioned, and that’s why my lyrics are less idealistic. I’m realizing that the world isn’t a perfect place, and GOD CAN’T SOLVE EVERYONE’S PROBLEMS” (Amy Grant, interview, Family Circle, September 9, 1986, p. 24).
she's definitely disillusioned, I agree with that. Amy Grant is a classic
example of just how barren the CCM gang is. They don't truly care about
winning souls to Christ. All they care about is making lots of money. In case
you don't realize this, MOST of today's professed “Christians” are as lost as the city of
Many people "think" they are Christians because they've joined an organization, prayed a prayer, or because they simply decided to call them self one; but they've never come to the Savior as a hell-deserving SINNER, trusting upon the blood of Jesus to FORGIVE their sins. It is EVIL that billions of dollars in profits are made by a heathen industry that exploits Christianity to do so. Where is their fruit? Where are the souls saved? All I see are hordes of worldly people idolizing their CCM gods.
I Challenge You
Here's a challenge, and I triple-dog dare you to prove me wrong. Every CCM artist today, and don't miss this, refuses to speak out against the sin of homosexuality. I dare you to show me one website where a CCM artist blasts homosexuality. You can't show me one. In fact, I dare you to show me even ONE mainstream Contemporary Christian Music Artist who presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ on their website. You can't. I mean a clear Gospel presentation which stresses the importance of NOT adding works to faith. I haven't even found even one CCM website that presents any type of Gospel. If you take the challenge, plan to spend months looking.
Today's CCM fakes are all out to make a buck—fame, fortune, and prosperity—all from the Devil. Proof of this is the FACT that the CCM industry is very silent about sin and evil. I challenge you to find any CCM artist who exposes the sin of homosexuality. If they did, it would jeopardize their career in the music industry, and they KNOW IT! So they dip their sails in sinful compromise, saying that God only called them to be a singer, and not a preacher. Soulwinning is not a call, it is a command for every Christian believer (Proverb 11:30; Matthew 28:19-20; 2nd Corinthians 5:11).
Since when did living a holy life, contending for the faith, and taking a stand against evil become only the preacher's job? You can't show me that in the Word of God. God expects ALL believers to obey Ephesians 5:11, "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." This applies to ALL Christians.
Being Christlike in an Ungodly World
The world has no place in the New Testament Church. CCM is creeping into our Baptist churches at an alarming rate. The music is pervasive, abounding in American culture. The music is very appealing, satisfying the flesh. CCM is no different than the world's sensual music that catapults the listener into the emotional stratosphere, experiencing elation and euphoria; but the sad reality of the matter is that the world's music will always leave you feeling empty, alone and depressed at the end of the day. Only the unchanging Word of God can provide lasting joy, contentment and true satisfaction. Worldly music sounds great and makes you feel great, but then reality sets in at the hospital as a loved one is dying, or at the graveyard where a friend is buried who committed suicide, or the news comes that you have cancer. At the end of the day, the promises of God contained in His inspired Words are the only thing that we can take to the bank. The Words of God is uncorruptible (1st Peter 1:23). Amen.
The world's philosophy, industry and music have no place in the household of God, that is, THE CHURCH. James 4:4 commands every believer not to befriend the world. God says friendship with the world makes you His enemy. This means that Relient K, Toby Mac, Avalon, Jeremy Camp, Dead Poetic, Demon Hunter, Newsboys, Whitecross, MxPx, Third Day, Passion, Delirious, Bride, The Almost, Disciple, Kutless, Inhale/Exhale, PFR, Emery, Robert Pierre, Chris Tomlin, Sandi Patty, Amy Grant, Marsha Stevens, Further Seems Forever, Switchfoot, Soul P., New Life Worship, DC talk, Echoing Angels, Matt Redman, Katinas, Michael W. Smith, Lincoln Brewster, GRITS, Geoff Moore & The Distance, Thousand Foot Krutch, Steven Curtis Chapman, Matt Maher, and Mercy Me HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING IN ANY NEW TESTAMENT CHURCH! They are ALL friends of the world and; therefore, enemies of God (James 4:4).
As Christian believers we are expected to follow in Christ's footsteps. Galatians 2:20, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” Are we exalting Christ with our life, words and behavior? Have we been crucified with Christ? We are living in wicked times, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation. The great need of the hour is preachers preachers who walk with God. Sin abounds because America's preachers aren't preaching against sin. We don't hear hardly anything about the judgment of God. Our church pulpits are dried up and dead, compromised. Most women show up at church wearing sexy pants. Attend most churches and you won't hear anything about Hell.
What happened? How did our churches become
compromised? One of the main culprits is worldly music. I guarantee you that
the churches with the most worldly music do the least for God. The Bible
plainly teaches that the world is God's enemy. Satan is the god of this evil
world. The world hates Jesus Christ (John 7:7; 15:19), because He testified
against the world that their works are evil. We are living in a dark culture
of sin. Our obedience to God's commandments puts the world into the wrong.
Hebrews 11:7, “By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as
yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house;
by the which he condemned the world, and became heir
of the righteousness which is by faith.” Let the heathen rage, but we
are going to obey God.
Run the Devil Out of Town!
The entire religious music industry is controlled by the same Masonic occultists and satanists who control the entire secular music industry. The darkened right eye, The Great Pyramid and All-Seeing Eye all represent Satan's kingdom and the coming evil Antichrist. We're seeing these symbols all over the place these days, and we're going to see them a lot more until the man of sin, the Antichrist, comes to deceive the world (2nd Thessalonians 2:10) and murder anyone who refuses to worship him (Revelation 13:15). Have you been deceived? Have you invited Satan into your church unknowingly, by allowing the occult-controlled religious music into your worship?
By the way, I recommend that churches either use the old time-proven hymns or write your own new music, ensuring the doctrinal depth of meaning that our music should contain. You can't go wrong with Bible-verse songs. I absolutely hate the lame sycophantic regurgitated vomit that so many churches call “worship music” today, that merely repeats the same meaningless junk over and over... “PRAISE HIM! PRAISE HIM! PRAISE HIM! WORSHIP! WORSHIP! WORSHIP! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!”
If your church has allowed the world's religious music, worldly CCM names and the apostate ministers like Billy “Balaam” Graham that they associate with and promote, then do the Christ-honoring thing and stop it! Go back to thy first love (Revelation 3:10). Revelation 2:4-5, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” The “candlestick” refers to a church's charter, that is, right to be called a “church.” Any religious cult like Mormons, Seventh-Day Adventists and Jehovah's Witnesses can erect or buy a building and call it a “church,” but only God decides what is a legitimate church. The satanic groups that I just mentioned are not churches in any sense of the word. They are demonic houses of Hell, indoctrination centers of infidels. Only born-again Christians comprise a New Testament Church.
“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.” —1st John 2:15-17