Bible Preaching Criminalized In Colorado!
By David J. Stewart
June 2008 | Updated July 2015
“This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves... evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” —2nd Timothy 3:1,13
A new law passed in Colorado, SB 200 (.PDF), makes criminals of God-fearing Christians who preach the Biblical message that homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin (Romans 1:24-32).
Biblical Message Now Criminalized
Penalties created for those who criticize homosexuality outside church wallsBy Bob Unruh
© 2008 WorldNetDaily | June 12, 2008A new Colorado law is helping homosexual activists achieve their goal of forcing Christians to teach biblical condemnation of homosexuality only behind the closed doors of their sanctuaries.
The as-yet untested state law promotes sexual identity "perception" to the level of skin color under state discrimination laws.
Some opponents are calling it a "bona fide censorship law," and top analysts for Focus on the Family, the Christian publishing and broadcast powerhouse, are expressing concern over the "mischief" they expect to follow the signing by Gov. Bill Ritter.
As WND reported, Ritter, a Democrat, struck gender-specific restrooms and locker rooms statewide when he signed the plan into law in May.
The law makes it illegal to deny a person access to public accommodations, including restrooms and locker rooms, based on gender identity or the "perception" of gender identity.
"Who would have believed that the Colorado state legislature and its governor would have made it fully legal for men to enter and use women's restrooms and locker-room facilities without notice or explanation?" said James Dobson, founder of Focus.
"Henceforth, every woman and little girl will have to fear that a predator, bisexual, cross-dresser or even a homosexual or heterosexual male might walk in and relieve himself in their presence," Dobson said.
READ MORE: Biblical message now criminalized
Here's a quoted portion of Colorado's new law...
SECTION 6. 24-34-701, Colorado Revised Statutes, is amended to read:
24-34-701. Publishing of discriminative matter forbidden."No person, being the owner, lessee, proprietor, manager, superintendent, agent, or employee of any place of public accommodation, resort, or amusement, directly or indirectly, by himself or herself or through another person shall publish, issue, circulate, send, distribute, give away, or display in any way, manner, or shape or by any means or method, except as provided in this section, any communication, paper, poster, folder, manuscript, book, pamphlet, writing, print, letter, notice, or advertisement of any kind, nature, or description which THAT is intended or calculated to discriminate or actually discriminates against any disability, race, creed, color, RELIGION, sex, SEXUAL ORIENTATION..."
SOURCE: SB_200.pdfORIGINAL SOURCE: Businesses Banned from Exposing the Sin of Homosexuality
So if you own any type of personal business in Colorado, you are legally forbidden from distributing anything that exposes the sin of homosexuality. What ever happened to freedom of speech?, you know... The First Amendment? Private businesses and private citizens should have the right to discriminate as they please. This is America! I believe the right of free association does not require me to associate with people I don't want to do business with. If I don't like you, I shouldn't have to do business with you (and vise versa). In a truly free country (which ours no longer is), you can associate with whomever you want, and you can hire whomever you want, and fire whomever you want.
"And moreover I saw under the sun the place of judgment, that wickedness was there; and the place of righteousness, that iniquity was there." —Ecclesiastes 3:16
If I own a hamburger stand, and I want to display a sign that reads, "God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve"—that is my right to do so!!! I have the right to choose who I associate with or not. If a homosexual doesn't like it, then they can eat elsewhere. This tyranny is just getting started in America. Few people don't understand that this issue has absolutely NOTHIN to do with personal rights; but rather, the state taking complete control over our lives.
In July of 2015 an Oregon judge put a gag order on a Christian couple who refused to bake a cake for two lesbians. The Christian couple owns their own cake business. They were also fined $135,000, because the judge said they humiliated the homosexual couple. Godless State Of Oregon Fines Christian Couple $135,000 For Refusing 2 Bake Lesbian's Cake. This is just sickening. This perversion will be the destruction of America. Honestly folks, Americans are going to get what they deserve down the road. Goad will not be mocked!!! Sin always undermines a nation! Oregon is not the first state to side with homosexuals, not by a long shot. On June 26, 2015 the Godless U.S. Supreme Court (composed of 6 Catholics and 3 Jews), ruled in favor of same-sex marriage in all 50 states. The sovereignty of the states is gone! The sovereignty of our nation is gone! All hell is breaking loose and it's only going to get MUCH WORSE!!! Wickedness is flooding through our nation like rain into a sewer during a major rainstorm!!! To understand why the Illuminati are doing this to our youth, please read my article, The Luciferian Creed, which contains eye-opening quotes from Commander William Guy Carr's (1895-1959) awesome book, “Satan: Prince Of This World!” (.pdf file). There are many businesses where I won't go, because I don't like the way they do things, and that is my right. When our legislatures start restricting what, where and when we can express our religious convictions, America is doomed! This is what the recent political battle in the state of Indiana is about. The governor put forth a law protecting religious folks, allowing them an exemption from being forced to compromise their Biblical convictions concerning homosexuality. Some strange people are challenging the new law, smoking marijuana in church under the new religious protection.
New Marijuana Pot-Smoking Church In Indiana; Pastor Tells Congregation: “Light Up, Folks!” Guaranteed, religious institutions, churches and Bible colleges will eventually (likely very soon) lose their tax-exempt 501c3 status if they don't recognize homosexual rights. I read this week in the new (July of 2015) that the Pentagon are going to permit transgenders to serve openly in the military. Transgendered Troops Will Serve Openly In U.S. Military (Uncle Samantha has come out!). No more 'don't ask, don't tell' policy! My friend, we are living in a death culture. These are the last days! Everything is already way beyond insane. I read in the news today about a horrifying story back from 2012. The report said South Korean officials seized thousands of pounds of Powdered Human Flesh Capsules from a man entering the country!! In a recent news story, a Planned Parenthood doctor was caught on video admitting to harvesting aborted baby parts and selling them for money! A man can only handle so much insanity! Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Heather Does NOT Have Two Mommies!
The law also gives radical gay rights organizations a legal hammer with which to try to force pro-"alternative lifestyle" education into school curricula. The idea of public schools being forced to teach "Billy has two dads" is despicable.
In Massachusetts, the Gay State, kids in kindergarten are regularly read 'Heather Has Two Mommies,' a book about two lesbians raising a child. Of course, in addition to glorifying gender and sexual perversion to kids (a heinous and nasty evil) — the title of the book is a big fat lie. Heather does NOT have two mommies; she has a mommy and a daddy. But sadly, no one will tell her the truth, and she's not allowed to have her daddy. Some woman who engages in perversion with Heather's mommy falsely claims she's a mommy, and the lie Heather's told will have to be rammed down the gullets of millions of innocent school kids. Folks, this is all vicious evil targeted at our children.
By the time the liberals finish with your kids, they won't know what they are, and it will be illegal to tell a boy that he's supposed to be a boy. Colorado is joining Californication, Sin City and the Gay State as part of Queermerica.
The Deadly Consequences of Accusing Christians
Do you remember the account of Daniel in the Old Testament (Daniel 6:7-24)? A law was made that forbade anyone from petitioning any god or man besides king Darius. But Daniel prayed to God anyway. As a consequence, Daniel was thrown into a den of starving lions, and left for dead. But praise God, in the end, Daniel's life was spared and it was the evil men who had falsely accused Daniel of wrongdoing who were devoured by the lions... "And the king commanded, and they brought those men which had accused Daniel, and they cast them into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lions had the mastery of them, and brake all their bones in pieces or ever they came at the bottom of the den" (Daniel 6:24).
Careful notice that Daniel DID break the law; BUT God punished the men who proposed that law, and nurtured it into legislation, because the law turned Christians into criminals. Is this not exactly what is going on today in America? Christian business owners, who have much to lose in court, are being turned into criminals for faithfully obeying Ephesians 5:11... "And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them." The word "reprove" in Ephesians 5:11 comes from the Greek word, elencho, and means "to expose." It is every Christian's Biblical duty to expose homosexuality as a morally reprehensible sin which brings the judgment of God (Romans 1:32).
Where are the Daniels today? Where are the good men today who will continue to obey the Scriptures, God's Law, and refuse to stop doing right because of wicked men who outlaw righteousness?
In the Supreme Court case of Boy Scouts vs. Dale, where the Supreme Court upheld the Boy Scouts' unalienable right to not have to have sodomites as scoutmasters, our entire freedom of association in this country was protected (for the moment) by just one single vote on the Supreme Court. That's a tiny margin for a country which is supposed to be the land of the free. Unfortunately, the same thing isn't happening in Colorado, and the Sodomites have gained a big victory over the righteous... "It is not good to accept the person of the wicked, to overthrow the righteous in judgment" (Proverb 18:5).
Let the heathen rage, God is still on His throne. Homosexuals have but a short time to enjoy their wickedness, because God will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). Hell will be hot enough! It is utterly hypocritical that homosexuals can parade their sick and sinful lifestyle up-and-down the streets of America, and lawmakers approve; while at the same time Christian business owners are made criminals in the eyes of the law for even posting a sign in criticism of homosexuality.
Just as those evil men, and their families, who were cast into a pit of ravenous lions to be torn to shreds, so will those evil people today, who are behind such sinister laws as SB 200, be punished by God for their wickedness against Christians. Again, I ask you, where are the Daniels today? Where are the godly men and women who will continue to obey God's Law, by exposing homosexuality for the evil it is, and refuse to stop doing right because of wicked men who outlaw righteousness? America needs voices!
Homosexuality Is A Filthy Sin!
“It is the nature of all governments to expand their power. Since power leads to corruption, governments eventually become crime syndicates.” —Professor G. Edward Griffin
First the terrorists were Al Qaeda, then it was Tim McVeigh, now it's Ron Paul supporters! First Amber's Law was enacted to save little girls, now it's being used to turn in your neighbor to police for owning guns. This is how tyranny operates!
How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
“The mark
of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack
Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS
Mark 11:22, “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.”
—Pastor Yankee Arnold, a precious quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled, “WHY GRACE CAN SAVE THE WORST MAN!”“There is power in this Gospel message. Most people just don't know how to present it... The clarity of the Gospel is what makes it easy for them to believe.”
"And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life" (John 5:40)
Notice that Jesus said “ye will not come,” not ye cannot come.
Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS!
They “Knew Not Until the Flood Came”
Ephesians 4:15, “...speaking the truth in love...”
"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10
Homosexuality is a Sin! | Changing God's Truth Into A Lie
Homosexuality Agenda Exposed (.PDF file)
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!
- "Homosexuality 101: A Primer" (Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)
- Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children
- Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic
- A Gender Identity Goes Mainstream
- Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique
- Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection
- Traditional Values Coalition Exposes Homosexual Agenda
Homosexuality Is A Filthy Sin!
The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!
That's just sick! Have they no shame at GLSEN? Can you imagine, trying to teach Ronald that it's ok to stick something in Timmy's backside? ...or that it's ok for a boy to become a girl? What has American society deteriorated to? It is tragic. Any honest child knows that God created Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve. GLSEN are a bunch of sickos!
“Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness,
to work all uncleanness with greediness.” —Ephesians 4:19
"Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him?
When ye say, Every one
that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD..." —Malachi 2:17
Homosexuality is a sin! Don't upset God by saying it's not!
God is Angry!
"...God is angry with the wicked every day." —Psalm 7:11(All people!) (Audio sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens) | Hope for Homosexuals
The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse
Socrates was a Pederast Homosexual | Sodomite Ministers | "Pink Angels"The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
EXPOSED!4-year old killed for refusing to call his mother's lesbian lover "daddy"
Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage
George Michael Urges Gays to Take Religion Seriously
Swedish Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Preaching Against Sodomy
Homosexuality is Against Nature's Order
PERVERT ALERT! - Pedophile Priests and the Boy Scouts
Homosexuality a Factor in Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests
Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
The Homosexualization of America
Homosexuality and Child Molesting
Pedophile Priests (homosexuals)
George Bush Cheers Gay Church!
Homosexual Agenda in Our Public Schools
The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence
Education secretary blasts PBS for cartoon with gay characters
High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?
| Gay Tolerance? | Was King James a Homosexual? Frightening Gay Statistics | Violence and Homosexuality (Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL!)*While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the population, the reality is closer to 1-2%!
(Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)
Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)
Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)
A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)
Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)
Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)
Traditional Values Coalition Exposes Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)
GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed By Massachusetts News:
There is a way out!
If you love someone tell them the truth.