The Boy Gay Scouts Of America!
By David J. Stewart | January 2013
Proverbs 29:27, “An unjust man is an abomination to the just:
and he that is upright in the way is abomination to the wicked.”
Just as recent as July of 2012 The Boy Scouts reaffirmed their historic position AGAINST homosexuals in their organization. Now, tragically, The Boy Scouts' leadership are ready to embrace the sinful homosexual agenda. Effeminate males will be Scout masters! It is NOT a matter of gays verses straights, nor of anyone's rights. It's a matter of the sinful homosexual agenda of the wicked, verses obeying the righteous commandments of a holy God. If you are sympathetic toward homosexual rights, YOU ARE NOT RIGHT WITH GOD! Why not pedophile rights? It's coming next!
Homosexuality is a shameful and vile sin which brings destruction to every civilization in which it is accepted (Romans 1:24-32). It is no coincidence that homosexuals have their own false god that allows sin, doesn't care about morality and anything goes. Gays have their own corrupted Bible versions. Gays have their own liberal churches. A shocking 18% of the congregation of the Unitarian Universalist church are professed atheists! Atheist church members? Yes, and gays fit right in. Please don't misunderstand, church is a hospital for sinners, and everyone is welcome, otherwise the pews would be empty; however, God pity the cowardly, wicked, pastor who doesn't preach against sin. Homosexuality is a sin, just like abortion, immodest dress, divorce and drunkenness!
The following quote is from a shameful letter written by a God-hating brat, who quit The Boy Scouts because they wouldn't embrace the gay agenda...
“Unfortunately, Scouting was also in my experience frequently a school of paranoia and hatred, and I witnessed more than once the ill effects of its obtuse enforcement of sexual norms. I find it particularly perverse that the BSA relies on the category of 'leadership' to exclude gay youths as well as adults from full participation in its programs. To sow mistrust while driving LGBTQ youths into hiding accomplishes only the deformation of leadership in demagoguery.”
This is the type of carefully concocted propaganda that the homosexual community has used to demonize anyone who dares not to support the homosexual agenda. God's opinion matters, and God says in the Bible that homosexuality is a sin! 1st Corinthians 6:9-10 warns that the EFFEMINATE (homosexuals) will NOT be allowed into Heaven. That is, sin keeps men out of Heaven. Apart from the forgiveness offered in Jesus Christ, there is no salvation (Acts 4:10-12). The point is that homosexuality is a horrible sin, just like abortion (murder), drunkenness, divorce or adultery. Homosexuals who say that homosexuality is a form of love, and is not sinful, are clearly NOT saved. They are children of the Devil. The battle over same-sex rights is really a battle against the Word of God. There is no controversy if you believe the Bible!
The New York Times is run by homosexuals. Most of America's newspapers and newsmedia are owned and controlled by homosexuals or homosexual supporters. You are all GOD'S ENEMIES according to James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” If you support gay-rights, then you ARE GOD'S ENEMY. You may not admit that, but it doesn't change THE TRUTH. If you support sexual immorality, then you are immoral yourself. You are corrupted! I am 100% AGAINST the homosexual agenda in all its forms. Same-sex marriage is a perversion of the human species. Gay-sex is immoral-sex! It is wrong Biblically.
Homosexuals are calling God a bigot when they accuse God-fearing, Bible-believing, Christians of being bigots for taking a Biblical stand against the sin of homosexuality in public. God commands all believers in Psalms 97:10 to hate evil. Evil is what God says is evil. Romans 1:24-32 couldn't expose homosexuality as abnormal and a sin any clearer! The big question is do you fear God or man? Evidently The Boy Scouts fear man. No parent is right with God who knowingly allows their child to be influenced by a homosexual Scout leader. Gays promote homosexuality, which is connected with all sexual immorality. That's a fact! Wherever you find homosexuality you'll find every work of the flesh. That is further evidence of the evils of lesbianism and homosexuality, which the Bible calls 'sodomy' after the wicked city of Sodom that God destroyed for their wickedness.
FOX News Is As Conservative As Sodom And Gomorrah
FOX News is controlled resistance. They are paid to pretend to be the conservatives, which is a pathetic joke. We have no conservative newsmedia in America. FOX's perverted show, AMERICAN DAD! is proof enough that they are mocking Americans, contributing to the moral destruction of America's families. They're all liberals, saturated with wickedness, Rocking' N' Rolling and supportive of the nightclub lifestyle. For example: FOX will speak out against open borders, while in reality nothing is done to secure the borders. People tend to relax when they THINK someone else is fighting against evil. In reality it's all hype intended to deceive the public, keep them lulled and in the dark. Fox News keeps the fire burning between the image of a battle between Republicans and Democrats, which is artificially fabricated and used by the ruling elite to maintain a divided house amongst the American public.
FOX appears to be conservative, but they are owned and controlled by the SAME globalists. If you are caught up into the Republican/Democrat parties, you are part of the problem, naive and misled. BOTH political platforms are bought and paid for by the globalists. The newsmedia dictates through bogus polls how Americans are supposed to think. If they lie in a poll that 53% of Americans support same-sex marriage, then many people will start supporting same-sex marriage to fit in. Most people are not in support of homosexuals getting married. Polls are greatly misleading. New York is a liberal place, where the abortion rate equals the birth rate amongst African Americans. They are probably supportive of same-sex unions. However, go down to the Bible-belt and ask people in church communities what they think, and you'll get a different opinion entirely, if not ran out of town!
Pederast Homosexuals Will Be Scouting For The Boy Scouts
Gays have been portraying themselves as victims, trying to gain sympathy for their agendas. President Obama's administration and the evil newsmedia have been doing the same thing with guns, using children to demonize gun-owners and defenders of the 2nd Amendment. Anytime the wicked want to get their way, they portray their side as victims to gather sympathy, support and votes. It works everytime in a dumbed-down, naive, sin-loving society of wicked people. The courage to stand up for what is right and fight tyranny is only possible for a moral-loving, righteous, people. Abortionists aren't going to stand up against homosexuals. And neither is a wicked society going to stand up against a wicked government. A sin-loving society is a foolish society, gullible and indifferent. If people don't care about morality, then neither will they care about liberty. A homosexual-supporting society is also likely going to sympathize with the Communist philosophies of government housing, government healthcare and a central bank.
Immoral people don't care, which is why perversion is being put everywhere on television and in society. The more raunchy a singer behaves, the more sales soar! This is clear evidence of a decadent society. Evil has many fans these days, but righteousness is a lonely soul. It is truly tragic and sad to see The Boy Scouts sell out to the homosexual agenda. We've lost all decency, honor and self-respect as a people in America. We have no shame as a sinful people, which is apostasy. It would be awesome if 95% of parents removed their sons from The Boy Scouts, refusing to subject their children to homosexuals, cross-dressing drag-queens and effeminate she-males. That's what the gay-lifestyle is all about! You cannot separate a man from his evil. Gays WILL influence children! Homosexuals are having their heyday now, but God will have the last laugh when He casts them into the fires of Hell forever.
This is a serious matter. Gay priests have been molesting boys for ages, do you think gay scouts won't do the same? Mark my words, the pedophile problem in America will skyrocket once the gays take full control. They're almost there! On his December 17, 2012 nationally-syndicated radio show Thursday, Rush Limbaugh said that “gay militants” run The New York Times (during a segment on the newspaper's editorial response to President Obama‘s newfound support for same-sex marriage). Limbaugh stated:
Rush Limbaugh: Left will “normalize pedophilia” like it did gay marriage
"There’s a movement to normalize pedophilia," Limbaugh said. "Don’t pooh-pooh it"By Jillian Rayfield | January 9, 2013
Rush Limbaugh tied the push to legalize same-sex marriages to a “movement to normalize pedophilia,” arguing: “What has happened to gay marriage? It’s become normal.”
“There is a movement on to normalize pedophilia, and I guarantee you your reaction to that is probably much the same as your reaction when you first heard about gay marriage,” Limbaugh said on his show on Monday. “What has happened to gay marriage? It’s become normal — and in fact, with certain people in certain demographics it’s the most important issue in terms of who they vote for.”
He added: “So don’t pooh-pooh. There’s a movement to normalize pedophilia. Don’t pooh-pooh it. The people behind it are serious, and you know the left as well as I do. They glom onto something and they don’t let go.” ...SOURCE: Rush Limbaugh: Left will “normalize pedophilia” like it did gay marriage
It'll start the same as gay-rights did, pushing the agenda on television. Then young gay sexually active teens will be featured in the newsmedia. Then the talk shows begin interviewing young people about “adolescent rights” to make their own choices. And finally, anyone who speaks out for God against such perversion will be attacked by the newsmedia as being old-fashioned, bigoted, haters and prejudiced. Shame on The Boy Scouts for selling out!
The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!
That's just sick! Have they no shame at GLSEN? Can you imagine, trying to teach Ronald that it's ok to stick something in Timmy's backside? ...or that it's ok for a boy to become a girl? What has American society deteriorated to? It is tragic. Any honest child knows that God created Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve. GLSEN are a bunch of sickos!
God pronounced the death penalty upon homosexuals in Leviticus 20:13, so don't you tell me that anyone has “a right” to commit homosexuality. The Bible condemns homosexuality with capital punishment. Could anything be more offensive than a sin which carries the death penalty? I think not. God hates the sin of homosexuality, just as God hates all sins. Men are wicked by nature and naturally define all matters of right and wrong by their own frail human standards. Without the Law of God as the highest moral standard, men become their own gods (which is exactly why Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, that is, because Satan lied to her and said she and Adam would become “as gods” knowing right from wrong). Humanity has been choosing for themselves what is right and wrong ever since, and it has led to destruction every time.
In man's system, as each succeeding generation becomes more evil, so does the moral standards by which their courts judge men and by which major political decisions are made. Ultimately, such a decadent system (without God's higher moral standard to guide them) can only spiral into destruction. Proof of what I say is in the ever increasing moral demise, political corruption, and economic turmoil destroying America today. Was the Bible and prayer really all that bad?
Unholy Matrimony (God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve; U.S. has abandoned God)
How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”
“The mark
of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack
Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS
Mark 11:22, “And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.”
“There is power in this
Gospel message. Most people just don't know how to
present it...
The clarity of the Gospel is what makes it easy for them to
—Pastor Yankee Arnold, a precious quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled,
"And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life" (John 5:40)
Notice that Jesus said “ye will not come,” not ye cannot come.
Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS! | They “Knew Not Until the Flood Came”
Romans 1:26-27 and 32, “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. ...Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.”
Ephesians 4:15, “...speaking the truth in love...”
"Ye that love the LORD, hate evil..." —Psalm 97:10
Homosexuality is a Sin! | Changing God's Truth Into A Lie
Homosexuality Agenda Exposed (.PDF file)
God created Adam and Eve, NOT Adam and Steve!
- "Homosexuality 101: A Primer" (Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)
- Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children
- Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic
- A Gender Identity Goes Mainstream
- Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique
- Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection
- Traditional Values Coalition Exposes Homosexual Agenda
Homosexuality Is A Filthy Sin!
The Communist Subversion of America's Kids!
That's just sick! Have they no shame at GLSEN? Can you imagine, trying to teach Ronald that it's ok to stick something in Timmy's backside? ...or that it's ok for a boy to become a girl? What has American society deteriorated to? It is tragic. Any honest child knows that God created Adam and Eve; not Adam and Steve. GLSEN are a bunch of sickos!
2,600 Victims of Catholic Priests So Far!
Bishop Kurt Krenn is at the epicenter of the Sankt Poelten scandal
Don't Let Your Child Become The NEXT VICTIM Of A Catholic Priest!!!
SOURCE:“Three hundred abusers and over 1,000 victims, documented in 1,400 pages with stories no less harrowing than the one above. These are just the latest figures in a decades-long crisis, whose full extent may never be known. What has made these stories possible — and what has prevented them, in many cases, from being told until now — is a much wider story of an institution that has, over decades, repeatedly chosen secrecy and bureaucracy over transparency and accountability. It is the story of an institution that has not only failed to protect children from abusers, but has systematically allowed that abuse to continue, often with impunity, and has contributed to the victims’ suffering by repeatedly failing to contend with and take responsibility for its history.”
What you WON'T hear from the ungodly newsmedia is THE TRUTH why so many priests have become homosexuals. The Holy Bible plainly warns in 1st Timothy 4:1-3 that “FALSE PROPHETS” would come “Forbidding to marry”! What group forbids their priests from getting married? That's right, Catholics! No wonder their priests are turning into sodomites, just like people often do in ungodly prisons; God never instituted prisons! You don't lock a human being in a cage! The entire basis of Roman Catholic is a fraud, both doctrinally and in every other way. It is a false church!!! ~by David J. Stewart
“Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness,
to work all uncleanness with greediness.” —Ephesians 4:19
"Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him?
When ye say, Every one
that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD..." —Malachi 2:17
Homosexuality is a sin! Don't upset God by saying it's not!
God is Angry!
"...God is angry with the wicked every day." —Psalm 7:11| Hope for Homosexuals
(All people!) (Audio sermon by Pastor Jeff Owens)
The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence
Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse
Socrates was a Pederast Homosexual | Sodomite Ministers | "Pink Angels"The Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) EXPOSED!
4-year old killed for refusing to call his mother's lesbian lover "daddy"
Homosexuality and Same Sex Marriage
George Michael Urges Gays to Take Religion Seriously
Swedish Pastor Sentenced to Prison for Preaching Against Sodomy
Homosexuality is Against Nature's Order
PERVERT ALERT! - Pedophile Priests and the Boy Scouts
Homosexuality a Factor in Sex Abuse by Catholic Priests
Homosexuals and the Pedophile Connection
The Homosexualization of America
Homosexuality and Child Molesting
Pedophile Priests (homosexuals)
George Bush Cheers Gay Church!
High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?
Homosexual Agenda in Our Public Schools
The Homosexual Lifestyle is No White Picket Fence
Education secretary blasts PBS for cartoon with gay characters
George Bush Cheers Gay Church!
High Court to Give 'Gays' Their Own 'Roe'?
| Gay Tolerance? | Was King James a Homosexual? Frightening Gay Statistics | Violence and Homosexuality (Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL!)*While homosexuals claim they make up 10% of the population, the reality is closer to 1-2%!
(Provides a brief history of the homosexual movement in the U.S. and its roots in Marxist ideology. This paper describes how homosexuals terrorized the psychiatric community and have created a marketing strategy to vilify their opponents.)
Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children (.PDF)
Homosexual Behavior Fuels AIDS and STD Epidemic (.PDF)
A Gender Identity Disorder Goes Mainstream (.PDF)
Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s “Big Lie” Technique (.PDF)
Homosexual Sex = Death from HIV Infection (.PDF)
Traditional Values Coalition Exposes Homosexual Agenda (.PDF)
GLSEN Fistgate Scandal at Tufts Detailed By Massachusetts News:
There is a way out!
If you love someone tell them the truth.