The Truth About Evolution Or; Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out of You!

Science Says He's A Relative. God Says He's Not!

NOTE: This 248-page free online book is in the Adobe Acrobat (.PDF) format, so you'll need the Adobe Acrobat reader program if you don't already have it. You can download the freeware program here.

This book, “The Truth About Evolution Or; Don't Let Satan Make A Monkey Out of You!,” (ISBN: 978-0-9815225-6-4) by Dr. Max D. Younce exposes and refutes two Satanic errors: the first being that of Evolution, the second being that of False Science; or, the claim that the earth is only 6,000 or 7,000 years old. God's Word is the absolute authority upon which the Christian is to stand when the Evolutionist or the Young Earth Advocates come peddling their theories. This book is packed with information to help the Christian present God's Truth to these unbelievers.

  1. Concerning Creation — “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” — Genesis 1:1
  2. Concerning Humanity — “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” — Genesis 1:27

       We hope you will read, learn, and grow from what is written in the pages of this book.

       “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” — 1st Peter 3:15

SOURCE: The preceding information is from the back cover of pastor Younce's wonderful new book, THE TRUTH ABOUT EVOLUTION OR; DON'T LET SATAN MAKE A MONKEY OUT OF YOU!

Ken Ham's Scam — Dinosaurs In Eden
(exposing the Young Earth heresy that was started by Seventh-Day Adventists)

Dr. Younce is a genuine hard-working scholar and an author who's Biblically sound in his writings. I have learned so much from reading his books. He has been pastoring for over 30-years and has stood the test of time as a proven man of God. I am thankful for his ministry. I highly recommend all of his books, which he has gratefully made freely available for others to benefit from. Thank you so much Pastor Younce for these books.

Other excellent books by Dr. Max D. Younce


Ye Must Be Born Again!

You Need HIS Righteousness!