What can I do to prevent my child from becoming a homosexual or a lesbian?
(From chapter nine of the excellent book, How To Rear Infants)
There is not one definite answer to your question,
but there are a few things worth remembering. First, I would suggest that little
boys play with little boys, and that little girls play with little girls. This
not to say that little boys should never play with little girls, and that little
girls should never play with little boys. It is to say that by far the majority
of a child's playing should be with his own sex. So much of the sex drive is
caused by the unknown. If a little boy plays with other little boys, there will
be a mystique about girls, but if he plays with little girls too much, they will
become commonplace and there will be a mystique toward little boys. The human
race is so constructed that when something becomes commonplace, it is not nearly
as attractive to us. The old adage, "The grass is greener on the other side of
the fence," applies here. In childhood this grass on the other side of the fence
should be the opposite sex. If it is one's own sex, there would be a curiosity
about that. Now I'm aware that the modern psychologists will say, "Let little
boys see little girls, and let little girls see little boys, and let them become
acquainted with the biological differences, and let them see each other
unclothed." Let me remind you that that same generation of modern psychologists
is turning out an unbelievable amount of homosexuals in our country!
The wise parents of a little boy will teach him that the body of a little girl is sacred, and they will see to it that he plays with other little boys. As he grows older, this mystique will follow its normal course, and he will be attracted to the opposite sex or "the grass on the other side of the fence."
One of the best ways of doing this is to lead the boy to develop interests that are masculine. This means his hobbies, his activities and his interests should be masculine to the extent that it will require him to be around other boys. The same is true for little girls developing feminine interests.
How to Make A Man Out of a Boy
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