Surrogate Mother, Inc. you
can get paid $13,000 for biologically having someone else's baby. I think
that is ethically and morally wrong. You can also pay someone to have your
biological baby as well. Here's a round-trip tourist package. Have fun...
India Surrogacy Package Cost: 22,000 to 35,000 US Dollars
How crazy is this world getting? I try to place myself into other people's
shoes to understand their situation, I really do, to help me be fair before I preach on a
particular topic. This stuff is just insane! I can only try to sincerely understand a couple's hurt and desire to have a
biological child of their own. I think adoption is perfectly acceptable; but
biological surrogacy is wrong from many aspects in my opinion, entering into the realm of
THE OUTER LIMITS. Surrogacy is a matter of ethics (and the Bible is
our guide).
Psalm 127:3 says that children are a
reward from God, not a right. God decides who has children, and
who does not. To become a surrogate mother is wrong. The only biological
child that any woman should ever conceive is by HER OWN HUSBAND. If she
cannot, then it is not meant to be. Mankind in desperation transcends all of
God's Laws and in so doing plays God himself. It doesn't surprise me in a
wicked generation which has mingled the DNA of different animals, insects,
and plant species to produce
human-cows, and
vaccine-vegetables; that such mad scientists would also impregnate women
with the sperm of other men to whom they are not married. I realize that surrogacy does not
cross-the-line of DNA tampering; yet it is still in the same ballpark of mad
Without being paid, I honestly wonder how
many women would be willing to become surrogate mothers. As a surrogate
mother, you're being paid to have morning-sickness and go through 9-months
of pregnancy and all that becoming a mother requires, just to give the child
to another woman whom GOD HASN'T PREPARED to have a baby (nor to be a
genuine mother). If a woman has not been impregnated, then her body cannot
produce natural mother's milk, nor does she have the God-given maternal
instincts that only a child's biological mother can have. If you carefully
think about it, surrogate motherhood is wrong, wrong, wrong!!!
There are just some things that God never intended to happen in this world,
and impregnating a woman in a laboratory with the sperm of another man to
whom she is not married is one of them. Nor do I believe that God ever
intended for a woman to have the egg of another woman surgically implanted
into her, and then fertilized by her own husband. Either way, the conceived
child is NOT the biological child of the married couple. In reality, a
surrogate mother also has a surrogate husband (for he is not the biological
father; but rather, the adoptive father). And vise versa! Surrogate motherhood is a 3rd
party in one's marriage. It's bad enough that the ungodly State enters as a
3rd business partner into every one's marriage; but now in surrogate
motherhood, you've now also got a 4th party in the marriage (an outside
parent). What a moral mess!
Psalm 127:3 says that children are an inheritance from the Lord, and the
fruit of the womb His reward. That is not to say that childless couples are
being punished by God. It simply means that life is an entrusted gift from
God, and if you are childless, it is God's will for a reason. There's always
a reason for everything which God does, although we may never know that
reason in this earthly lifetime. God has entrusted the power of life and
death to humanity. Humans have the power to conceive and to kill, but we
don't have God's permission to do so carelessly nor apart from His Laws.
a mother gives birth and then is suddenly killed in a tragic car-wreck, then
another woman would become that child's adoptive mother. This happens often;
but is quite different than paying someone to have your child (or receiving
money to have someone else's child). It is insane that while
tens-of-millions of women are aborting unwanted babies; other people are
paying $13,000, hoping to find a surrogate mother to conceive a child. Only
in America!
think it is wrong to pay someone to have a baby for you.
Surrogate Mother, Inc. you
can get paid $13,000 for biologically having someone else's baby (or pay
someone $13,000 to have your baby). I think that is ethically and morally
wrong. It wouldn't matter if it's a million dollars; children and
child-conceiving ought not be for sale. People think you can fix anything
these days with money. Countless science-fiction episodes of THE TWILIGHT
ZONE, and THE OUTER LIMITS; and horror episodes of TALES FROM
THE CRYPT, are based upon people's unquenchable desire to tamper with
life, thinking that they can play God and do anything with money. It is frightening that reality today
comes so close to the science-fiction and horror episodes of those
television programs. What do you expect from a crazy
society that murders babies and then
sells their diced-up body parts?
It's the American holocaust (1973 to ____ )!!!
liberal (also
leftist) is someone who rejects logical and Biblical standards, often
for self-centered reasons. The following
shows the madness and lunacy of the world today. This clearly evidences how
sick, psychopath, and mentally-deranged liberals truly are...
India, the
Rent-a-Womb Capital of the World
The country's booming market for surrogacy
Amana Fontanella-KhanUpdated
Monday, Aug. 23, 2010, at 7:03 AM ET
can outsource just about any work to India these days,
including making babies.
Reproductive tourism in India
is now a half-a-billion-dollar-a-year industry, with
surrogacy services offered in 350 clinics across the
country since it was legalized in 2002. The primary
appeal of India is that it is cheap, hardly regulated,
and relatively safe. Surrogacy can cost up to $100,000
in the United States, while many
Indian clinics charge $22,000 or less.
Very few questions are asked. Same-sex couples, single
parents and even busy women who just don't have time to
give birth are welcomed by doctors. As a bonus, many
Indians speak English and Indian surrogate mothers are
less likely to use illegal drugs. Plus medical standards
in private hospitals are very high (not all good Indian
doctors left in the brain drain).
The most shocking
stories, however, concern the surrogate
mothers. The surrogates, many of whom
are cooped up in "surrogacy homes" away
from their families for the duration of
the pregnancy, are often in dire
financial straits. One
told a journalist that with a $4,000
debt and an alcoholic husband, she had
first considered
selling a kidney
to get herself out
of debt, but decided that the $7,000
surrogacy fee was the better option. In
another disturbing case, an upper-class
Indian woman hired a surrogate to carry
her child and invited her to live in her
home during the pregnancy. The client
accused the surrogate mother of stealing
and not only kicked her out of the house
but coolly informed her that she didn't
want her services anymore and that she
should terminate the pregnancy.
Surrogates get paid only on delivery of
the baby, so this kind of situation is
economically devastating for a
surrogate. It can also severely
compromise the ethical and religious
beliefs of surrogates who may not wish
to undergo an abortion.
These problems are
hardly going to stop the
phenomena of surrogacy
in India from spreading,
though. In fact, one
might even suggest that
India is moving towards
a surrogacy-based
economy, in which
Indians—in call centers
and fertility clinics
alike—specialize in
substituting Westerners
in a cheaper, more
efficient way.
The country's booming market
for surrogacy. - By Amana Fontanella-Khan - Slate Magazine
It is frightening that reality today
comes so close to science-fiction. Perhaps television programs such as THE TWILIGHT
ZONE and THE OUTER LIMITS were mistaken for blueprints for the
New World Order.
Breeding Poor Indian
Women Like Farm Animals Is Wrong
the way, the legal contract is written by cutthroat lawyers. You'd better be
careful getting into something like this unless you're 100% committed to it,
which is difficult to do (because it's not your baby to take home and keep).
I won't even get into all this, but you are playing with life. Surrogate
motherhood has lowered children to the value of a commodity. There's a price
per head. I wouldn't be surprised to see future's contracts someday on
surrogate children, like they do for orange Juice, cheddar cheese, oil,
soybeans, gold, corn, pork bellies and cattle. This crazy world would do
anything to make money, no matter who has to be exploited to get the money.
This is why Jesus said NO MAN CAN
serve God and mammon (wealth). Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two
masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he
will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and
mammon.” Is wealth your master? I don't think any man or woman anywhere
should demeanor themselves to the level of being a stud pig or female pigs
who are artificially inseminated with sperm. There's just a certain level of
human, a RESPECT, that to me seems to have been woefully lost in the
process. Farmers collect sperm from stud pigs and then artificially
inseminate the females for profits (more bacon). To me, those poor women in
India are just bacon to the e\wealthy people who exploit them.
Inseminating woman for money is what they do down on the farm!!!
Thoughts From My Heart On The Matter
These poor women in India are being exploited because they're poor. The
average woman in India gets paid about $54 a month ($600 per
years). So to receive $6,000 as a surrogate mother is too much
temptation to refuse. So for the in-vitro fertilization pregnancy and
carrying the child to term brings her 10-years of money for the family. I
think it is very sad and terrible that things like this can be bought for
money. Money can but almost anything days! But money cannot buy the presence
of God in one's life, being right with the Lord, knowing that God is pleased
with you. You can't place a price on that... it is priceless, truly. I'd
rather be right with God than to have all the money and power in this
sin-cursed world.
practice of paying women from India to have someone else's baby is just
plain wrong in my opinion. There are over 1,000 in-vitro fertilization
clinics throughout India today and it has become a booming business. It's no
better than the Hollywood movie, INDECENT PROPOSAL, where a rich businessman
offers $1,000,000 to a married middleclass couple to have sex with the man's
wife. The sinful couple agree. It's evil and God will punish them for
glamorizing that kind of filth in the film. Sadly, evils like that happen
all the time in today's sick world.
I believe that the Bible teaches life shouldn't be tampered with.
Surrogate motherhood is an invention of modern technology. I feel bad
writing an article like this, because I don't want to hurt anyone's
feelings. If your heart is set on being a surrogate mother, I'm sure this
article will hurt your feelings (which is not my intention I assure you).
Albeit, I must preach the truth. There's something wrong with this
perverse generation that freezes it's eggs to become mothers decades
later after having a successful career. That's insane!
Please read my article titled,
Turned Aside After
Satan (feminist women today are
freezing eggs, waiting for
Mr. Right). Science can and often does go too far. I just
think it is very immoral to become pregnant and carry someone else's child
for money.
are a gift from God...
not a commodity to be sold...
Women are not farm animals to be breed for profits.
Please understand that I don't
condemn anybody. I'm sure there are some parents out there who are happy
with their surrogate children, but it's not for everyone. Only you can make
that ultimate decision and I don't judge you. I care about people. I don't
make a penny and never have from any ministry, and that includes this one
(which has been going strong since 2002 by God's grace). I also made and
I wrote this article because as a
born-again Christian I am convinced that it is immoral to pay anyone to have
someone else's baby. God is still on His throne. Does God want us to take
drastic measures to force His hand in life? I mean, should we clone a loved
one just because we can? The technology is here! God only knows what
mad scientists are doing in secret. Last year it came out in the news
that 150
chimeras (half animal-half human) creatures were created in European
labs. My point is that science doesn't care about what God thinks,
transcending all laws of nature and morality.
The modernized Outer Limits TV
series has some pretty good morality lessons concerning playing God with
science (although the series itself is of the Devil). Sometimes they mock
Christianity, which shows that they aren't Christians. One episode shows a
scientist cloning his wife who's been in a coma for over a year. Then his
first wife wakes up, so now there's two women who are jealous of each other.
That would be a nightmare situation. Things like this DO happen in real
life, which is why scientists need to leave life alone. I have dedicated
an entire page to the Coming Genetics Nightmare.
God Is A Jealous God, And So Should
We Be Jealous
All I'm saying is to consider that
only God can give life and if He hasn't given it to you, there's a reason.
It doesn't mean that you're a bad person. I know most people won't listen to
anything I say, but please consider what God has to say in the Bible. I
believe that a husband and wife should be jealous over each other with God's
I would be hurt and offended if my
wife was impregnated with another man's sperm to have a child. It would
bother me and come between our relationship over time. I know it would.
Adopting would be ok, because it's not of a sexual nature. Even though the
surrogate process is done in a laboratory without the male donor present,
it's still necessary to fertilize the eggs with another man's sperm, and
that would bother me immensely because I am a jealous man. I don't want any
man's sperm in my wife except mine. If you practice marital fidelity then
you should agree.
God pity swinging married couples
who share each other, for you know nothing of God's love. If you're a wife
and your husband is overly possessive and jealous of you, consider yourself
blessed because he loves you that much. God is a jealous God (Exodus
20:1-5). God is so jealous that he doesn't even want us to associate with
the world (James 4:4). God commands us to separate (2nd Corinthians
6:14-17). Zechariah 8:2, “Thus saith the LORD of hosts;
I was jealous for Zion with great jealousy, and
I was jealous for her with great fury.” Galatians 3:26-29 teaches that
every Christian is God's children, which means that God is greatly jealous
over me and you (if you're saved). God won't share us with the sinful world.
God is not a swinger!!! God will harm anyone who seduces His own.
Albeit, we are living in the
perverted same-sex generation, the reckless abortion generation, the insane
teen pregnancy generation, when people don't think twice about the
consequences of their actions. If you don't like your baby, kill it. If
you're unhappy in marriage, divorce! If God won't give you a baby from your
husband, then use your neighbor's husband instead. I just don't want any
part of this careless, reckless, heartless, sicko generation. Rapture me
away Jesus, please!
The Bible is very clear that
children are an heritage from the Lord and the fruit of the womb is HIS
REWARD. God wouldn't give Rachel a baby because she despised Leah. They were
both married to Jacob in the Bible. This evidences that sometimes God closes
up a woman's womb. Abraham and Sarah couldn't have a child, so they
masterminded a plot where Hagar (their Egyptian handmaid) would be hired as
a surrogate mother). Things didn't work out too well when Sarah finally gave
birth to Isaac (her own biological child). There was envy and strife.
Samuel's mother prayer him from the Lord, as did Samson's mother, as did
many other mothers (all hoping to be the womb that would give birth to the
promised Messiah).
Pharaoh's daughter adopted Moses
from the Nile river and raised him as her own child. Evidently she couldn't
have children of her own. I always laugh when I read how Moses' mother
breast fed her own son and got paid to do it for Pharaoh's daughter. Isn't
God good? I challenge you ladies to search the Bible, for there are
countless stories of women who couldn't have a baby, but then God worked a
miracle. The Bible teaches to have the man of God anoint your forehead with
oil and pray for you. Many women testify that this is how God opened their
womb, that is, through faith in the Spirit of God (signified by the olive
oil). Samuel's mother promised to raise a son for God if God gave her one
(and God most certainly did). Samuel grew up at the temple and his mother
brought new clothes and necessities when needed.
Please understand that these are
just my opinions. The Scriptures are what I want you to focus on, because
that is God's opinion (which is the only opinion that matters). I would
NEVER pay anyone to have my baby. Nor would I let them pay me to carry their
baby. Women are not farm animals to be breed for profits. Children are a
gift from God.
“Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb
is his reward.”
1st Corinthians 10:31, “Whether
therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of
Wants Your Child Gay!
Information for parents
The Gay, Lesbian, and
Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
