Actual Prayers of Dwight L. Moody
D.L. Moody - On February 5, 1837 in Northfield, Massachusetts Dwight Lyman Moody was born the sixth child of Edwin and Betsy Holton Moody. He started Moody Church and preached in the slums, emphasizing literal interpretation of the Bible and the need to prepare for the Second Coming. In 1870 he teamed up with the hymn writer Ira D. Sankey, and they began a series of highly popular revival tours in Britain and the U.S. He also founded the Bible Institute that bears his name.
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Prayers as recorded in "The Gospel Awakenings, Sermons and Addresses, Prayer-Meeting Talks and Bible Readings of the Great Revival Meetings Conducted by Moody and Sankey," pp.721-733. Published in 1885.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray thee that thou wilt give us more and more of the compassion of Christ. We read from the very beginning that he was moved with compassion, as this good Samaritan, when he met this poor, wounded and dying man. O God, give us the spirit of the good Samaritan! May we go from this building and hunt up many to-night, and tell them of Christ and heaven. May we go to the homes of the poor drunkards; may we go to the homes and hearts of gamblers, the homes of the fallen, the despised and the outcast, and tell them of Christ and heaven. O Spirit of God! come down upon this assembly, and may the Church of God find out who their neighbors are. And, O God, we pray thee that they may be filled with the Spirit of Christ, and that they may go and tell others the story of the cross. And, O God, we pray thee that hundreds and thousands in this city may be working to win souls to Christ. We pray that great things may be done in Boston the coming Sabbath. And not only on the Sabbath, O God; we will not wait for the Sabbath, but to-night, as thy servants meet in the different churches, O God, do thou meet with them! and we pray thee that there may be a quickening in the churches all over Boston, and all around in its vicinity. Do thou wake them up, that there may be a great work for them to do. Arid we pray that the day may be not far distant when many souls may be brought to Christ, and when this building shall be filled with those who are lost and want to be saved; and that the cry may go out from many anxious hearts. "What shall I do to be saved?" O Spirit of God, come down upon the assembly now, that the hearts of God's people may be made one; and that they may all be brought to God and all be glorifiers and honorers of Christ! May we be holy ourselves and consecrate to him our best service. Now we pray for a numerous meeting tonight. May these Christian young men be fired with the Holy Spirit from on high. May they be like Joshua, strong in the faith, men of God. May the Christian young men of Boston be known for their piety. And O Lord, we pray thee that drunkards by hundreds and thousands may be saved by the regenerating power of God. May they be touched by the Holy Spirit, and may power be given them to overcome their terrible appetite. We pray that this meeting we had this noon may be the means of saving many, and that thou wilt bless it, as well as those we have in the future. We pray, O God, that many may go out every day and pray for these men, and show them the way of salvation. In the saloons, the billiard saloons, O God, mayest thou pour out thy mercy and make many men tremble for what they were about to do. O God, as we tarry at the second meeting, we pray that the Spirit of God may come upon us, and that this great audience may be hushed by the power of God. May we hear the voice of Jesus to-night! and as we listen may we be ready to go out and do his bidding. For thy name's sake. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee for this beautiful Sabbath morning. We thank thee for the privilege we have of meeting with these friends and talking with them about thee and about thy work. Now, O Lord Jesus, give us a love for souls, give us a burning passion for souls. May that be the desire of our hearts; to lead some soul out of darkness to the light, out of bondage to liberty, to lead some poor wanderer out of the darkness of this world to the blessed gospel. Thou hast witnessed this scene, these hundreds who have said that by thy grace they will try to lead one soul to thee. God, make us wise in all our work, and help us to bring some soul to thee. Help us to talk to people and to go right to work; and may we speak with power to these that have risen here and said they want God. May they not leave this house until their names are written in the Lamb's book of life, until they know that they have passed from death unto life. Make hare thine arm to help us, and may this be a token of a great and mighty harvest in the city of Boston. Quicken every one of those that have risen. God help us to pray for each other and around our family altars; in our closets, may there be one wail of united prayer to God; and may we see wonders and be made successful in winning souls to thee. Bless these teachers, as they go to their classes to-day; speak through them, use them in winning some souls to thee. We pray for thy blessing to rest upon the superintendents; may the grace of God come upon them afresh, and may the mighty power of God rest down upon them. And as they stand before their schools, may they be quickened with the mighty power of God, and thy Spirit speak through them. We pray for the ministers. Be with them; and as they stand up to preach thy blessed truth, may the Spirit of God speak through them and bless their efforts. And as we come together to-morrow, may there be glad tidings coming in from all parts of Boston; and may the work commence right here this morning, and flow over the city. And Christ shall have the praise. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thy blessing may rest on each one of us who profess to be Christians. O Lord, help us to love Christ more than we love ourselves: help us to be more like him in our way of life. Help us, O Lord, to walk humbly, prayerfully, consistently on, in the dust of our pilgrimage so that men may not stumble over us and say, "They profess only; they never do anything." o God, help us to live up to what we profess, through thee, in Christ Jesus, and may it be shown in each one of us. We pray for any that may have backslidden in this assembly, who may have wandered from God. This day fill them with regret that they ever turned their backs on thee. We pray that thou, O Lord, may meet them this day in this Tabernacle, and turn their faces to thee again. O God, they have wandered from thee; but do thou grant that this day they may meet the Lord of eternal life. We pray for those also without God and without hope. We pray for the unsaved in this assembly. O God, let them meet thee here and now. O God! touch their hearts. Open their eyes, that they may see their sin and know how great the sin is that possesses them; for Satan has blinded their eyes, O God, and they have abandoned thee. Make them to know how hard their hearts are. Open their eyes this day. O Lord, may the angels rejoice over souls saved this afternoon. May the wanderers, who have drawn back and rejected thee for years, open the door of their hearts and welcome thee in. We pray that the power coming forth from this meeting may be felt on the shores of eternity. O God of Adam and God of our Fathers, hear our cry and bring salvation; and may many this day receive the gift of God, and come down to this house and testify. We pray that thy blessing may rest on these mothers gathered here to-day. If they have children, who are rushing down to death and ruin, may God hear their cry, and may their children be turned from darkness to light, from Satan to thee. We pray that thy blessing may rest richly on those who have gone to the overflow meeting. May the Spirit of God be poured out on this church and on all thy churches; and may many be drawn to thee and love thee. May the work go on through Boston, we pray thee, and all through New England; and Christ shall have the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thy blessing may rest upon each one of us gathered here now and as we go hence. We pray that the Spirit of the Lord God may come down upon each one of us, and that we may each one of us turn away from every sin. O God, forgive us for our selfishness, forgive us for the stint of selfseeking. O God, keep us from this way, so that we may not be seeking sacred things for ourselves, but that we may bow ourselves in the dust before thee today. Help us to draw near to thee. We pray thee that thou wilt give us power from on high, for thou dost remember our frame; thou knowest that we are dust, and thou knowest how prone we are to wander. O God, give us the victory over ourselves; give us grace from above every day and hour to glorify thee. We pray now for thy blessing to rest upon us as we go hence. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we praise thee for thy blessed Word. We thank thee that thy Son didst formerly come down into this 'world; that He did so use his mighty power while on earth that he has power over devils and unclean spirits; that He can by a word cast out devils, and that He can save our sons and daughters, can save our children, can save our unsaved friends. O God, increase our faith to-day! O God, we pray that thou wilt come down upon this town with the power of thy word, and that we may have, strong faith in thee and thy promises. We pray thee that if any evil influence, or if our sins keep back the great and mighty blessing that we want in this city, we pray that thou wilt bring it to light. We pray that the Holy Spirit may reveal to each one of us all our sins, that we may turn away from them and hate them with a perfect hatred; that thy Spirit may came with power upon our hearts and fill them with holy desires. O God, we pray thee that thy blessing may rest on a11 the churches of New England, upon this day of fasting and prayer. We pray that thy blessing may rest on all the fathers and mothers closeted with thee to-day, as they pour out their hearts in prayer for their children. O God, hear and answer their prayer, and may the joyful tidings of souls redeemed be coming in from all over New England before long. Let the summons of grace be everywhere heard, that the wilderness may blossom and the solitary places be made glad. O God, we pray thee that the churches in New England may be blest, that the mothers, heartbroken on account of their children, may be comforted, and may those who were in darkness see the blessed light of the sun. O God, come in power upon us, and pass through New England, that a cry may be raisedhear ye in Boston-"Jesus of Nazareth passeth by." God, hear our supplications here to-day, and answer our prayers; answer the many prayers that are going up to thee. Come, Holy Spirit, in thy mighty power, and convict our hearts of sin, and melt them and turn them from darkness to light. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thy blessing may rest upon the words that have been spoken, and that the truth may be carried home to the hearts of the people and that they may seek the Lord, this night, while he may be found, and call upon him while he is near. Bring back the wanderers. Oh, may the prayers of thy people be answered, and may there be a great harvest of souls here to-night. Go with us now, as we go to the inquiry room. May there be hundreds seeking the kingdom of God. O God of grace, hear our prayer, answer our cry, and save scores and hundreds to-night. (Amen! Amen!) We pray for the young men's meetings. May the Spirit of God come upon them, and a great army of young men be raised up to go out and publish the tidings of salvation to perishing men. o God, hear our prayer, answer our cry, and save souls, that Christ may be glorified. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thy blessing may rest upon every one in this assembly. May we see hundreds to-night flocking into the kingdom of God. We pray for the young men who are just starting out on the voyage of life. Many of them are ambitious; many of them want to make a name; many of them are seeking wealth and pleasure and position. O God! may they seek thy kingdom to-night. If there is any poor drunkard here, may he give up his cup and seek the Lord. Oh, may there be many who shall turn to Christ and live. Help those fathers arid mothers who have unsaved children to pray now. Help these husbands to pray for unconverted wives, and these wives to pray for unconverted husbands. Heavenly Father, we know we may plant and others may water, but thou must give the increase. We cannot bring one soul into thy kingdom. O Son of God, let thy pitying eye rest on every lost soul here to-night. We pray thee, that they may no longer resist the Holy Ghost. Let this unequal warfare cease to-night. Wilt thou go with us, as we go to yonder church? May it be crowded with earnest seekers. May many cry out, 'What shall we do to be saved?' We pray that thy blessing may rest upon the young men's meeting. May the Holy Spirit be there, leading young men away from the doubts and temptations of this great city to the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sins of the world. And now, Holy Father, we once more lift up our hearts in prayer for a great blessing on the meeting tomorrow at 12 o'clock. O Son of God, may these poor drunkards hear how they shall be saved. Yea, may they believe to-night on the Lord Jesus and be saved. May they not wait until tomorrow. Oh, may there be a shout in the camp of the King to-morrow. May hundreds of drunkards be reclaimed to-morrow. O Son of God, visit this city of Boston; shake it to its very centre, and turn the hearts of the people back to thyself. And thy Son shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thy blessing may rest upon everyone here that loves the Lord Jesus Christ; and we pray that thou wilt increase our faith to-day. Give us a strong faith in thee and in thy Word. Help us to realize what we have read about thee, that nothing is too hard for thee. We know that thou art able to reach infidels, scoffers, pantheists and atheists; that thou canst reach the abandoned and fallen and lift them 'up, and purify them in the precious blood of thy Son. And we pray that thou wilt do great things here in Boston during the coming days; may they be days of thy power. We ask not for the power of man, but for the power of God. May we have the Holy Ghost power in all our meetings. We pray that the Spirit of the living God may be here; and if there are any men or women that have come into this meeting who are thoughtless about their souls, we know that God is in our midst and may they so realize it, that there shall be a cry going up from the camp, from these scoffers and these infidels, asking, What shall I do to be saved? We pray that the fear of God may fall upon Boston, and upon the hearts of the people. We thank thee for what we saw in the inquiry-room last night. We thank thee that thou hast commenced the work in the hearts of the people, and for the cry already coming up of, "What must we do to be saved?" Move right along in thy mighty power; and may the day be not far distant when there shall be a great multitude saved in Boston. And may the waves of salvation go out of this city all over the land; and may all New England be reached. May there not be a town in New England but shall receive a blessing from on high. We pray that on the day specially set apart for fasting and prayer there may be a prayer going up from many a closet and family altar to-morrow that shall reach heaven. May we not limit thy power O God, but expect great and mighty things. If there are fathers and mothers anxious for unsaved children, may they spend to-morrow morning in fasting and prayer; and they in their prayer say, "Search us O God and see if there be any evil way in us. Turn us away from evil things so that thou mayest hear and answer our prayers; for thou hast said that, if we regard and cherish iniquity in our hearts, thou wilt not hear and answer prayer. Help us each and every one to turn away from every sin, that we may lift up clean hands to thee, and our hearts be pure in thy sight, so that thou wilt answer our supplications. We pray for heaven's blessing upon the woman's meeting to-day. May the power of God be in that meeting. And we pray that the power of God may also be manifested at the young men's meeting, which is to take place this evening, and also for the meeting here this afternoon at 3 o'clock. When we shall talk about the Holy Spirit, let the Holy Ghost come down upon us and remain in our midst; and may our hearts be all on fire with the holy fire; and Christ shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee for sending Christ into this world to seek and save that which was lost. O Son of God! we thank thee that thou didst come for us, and thou hast laid down thy life for the sheep, Now we pray, O God, that every lost soul in this building may come home to-night; may they no longer reject the Lord of all grace; may they no longer reject him who came to seek and to save them. Help them this night, while they are trying to receive Christ in their hearts. May this be the hour and this the night they may be brought unto salvation. We pray that thy blessing may rest upon the words spoken in such weakness. We pray that the Spirit of the Lord may carry them home in power; that there may be many rise up and be drawn to God by these meetings; and that the Spirit of the Lord may be poured out to-night witnout measure upon this assembly. We pray that the Holy Spirit may touch every heart here to-night with a sense of their true condition, that they may no longer be blinded by sin, but that their eyes may be opened; that the blessed Savior, in all his glory and loveliness, they may this night see, led by the gift of faith, standing with outstretched arms knocking at the door of their hearts, and saying, "Open, and I will come in." May the Spirit of God speak to every heart here to-night. I have tried to speak to the heart of this people to-night, and have failed. O Son of God, do thou speak! May there be many of the lost who shall be found to-night. By the power of the Highest, may they be saved! Then when the voice of man shall be hushed, may the gentle, mild voice of Jesus be heard saying: "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If any man will, let him hear my voice and open the door and I will come in and sup with him and he with me." O Son of God, knock at the door of the hearts of the unsaved here to-night. May they hear that mild, gentle knocking. May they hear that heavenly voice, and may they open the door just now, and see and welcome, thrice welcome, the Son of God in their hearts. O Spirit of the living God, come upon this assembly; give us one touch from heaven just now. May the dead live; may the lost be found, and may the wanderers return home. Mayst thou come to the young men's meeting to-night; may the power of the Lord be felt in that meeting; and may the young men turn unto thee and live. Come with us, O Lord, to the inquiryrooms! May the Spirit of the Lord God be with us, and may many believe on the Lord God, this night, and be saved; and Christ shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee that we have come and given our time at this noon-tide hour, to pour out our hearts in prayer to thee for these requests that have been read before us. We pray for these sons and these daughters, for these husbands and these fathers, and for these wanderers, and for all those who have been brought before us to-day. O God, hear our cry, for thy Son's sake, and answer our prayer, and the prayers of these dear friends for the unsaved. We know how sin has blinded them, how Satan has deceived them. We pray thee, O God, that thou wilt come and open their eyes, and show them their true condition, and plead with them for their salvation. We pray heaven's blessing to rest on these fathers and mothers who have come at this hour to pray, many with sad and heavy hearts-hearts burdened for the loved ones; and may they cast their burden on the Lord Jesus Christ, Help them, O God, to make known their requests unto thee to-day; and while they are praying, may the answer come. May these friends for whom they are praying be saved. We pray that thy blessing may rest on all that was said and sung here and in the pulpits of Boston yesterday. May it be sown in good soil and spring up and bear fruit abundantly; and may hundreds and thousands be turned to thee. O Spirit of the Master, let thy work go on mightily in this city, and turn many from darkness to light. Now we pray that the words spoken here yesterday may be remembered. May thy word not return to thee void, but accomplish that for which thou didst send it. We pray that thy blessing may rest upon what was done here yesterday morning and afternoon, in the inquiry-room. May those who have not found peace find it now; while they are pouring out their hearts in prayer may the answer come, and may they be saved and redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. We thank thee for that blessed meeting of yesterday. Grant that many may rise up in eternity and thank God that he has led them to these meetings. Now we come to ask a blessing upon the meeting that is to take place here to-night. Bless, we pray thee, Mr. Cook, who is to preach. May the Spirit of God come upon him and anoint him with power from on high; and mayst thou give him physical strength and power; and grant that the Spirit may speak through him to-night, that many hearts may be broken, and the cry may arise from husbands and brothers and friends, "What shall I do to be saved?" May the King be with us to-night in the camp, and may his presence be felt, and may many be drawn to God. We pray thee that thy blessing may rest upon the friends meeting inquirers, that they may explain to them the way of the Lord and how to be saved for Christ. Give us wisdom to-night from on high, and teach us the way of truth and life as it is seen in Christ; and may the work in Boston spread and deepen and extend all over New England; and Christ shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
O God, thou art in this buildng; help us all to realize it. Thou hast made this place terribly solemn to-night on account of thy presence. And now, O thou God of heaven, thou who didst find Adam in Eden, do thou find every one of his sons to-night in this building. May every one of us who profess to be followers of the Lord Jesus Christ act up to what we profess. May our eyes be opened to know where we stand, so that we may see ourselves, if we will, in the light of eternity. O God, keep us from self deception-from professing what we do not believe. Now, we pray for the wanderers here tonight; those that have backslidden; O God, call them home tonight; bring them back to the fold they have wandered from; may they return this night and this hour to the Lord and be saved. Now, we pray for those without God and without hope in the world. Oh, thou God of heaven, have pity upon them. May the Holy Spirit reveal unto them the blackness of their own hearts. Open their eyes, O God, that they may see, and point to them the way. Thou knowest how Satan has blinded them: how their wicked life has hardened their hearts. O Spirit of the loving God, come down upon this assembly to-night. May one wave of united prayer go up from this assembly. May men be crying out on the right hand and on the left, "Lord what shall I do to be saved?" Speak, Lord; speak to every heart here to-night. We have spoken and failed; O God, do thou speak. May every ear be unlocked, every eye be opened, every hard heart be softened to hear thy gospel to-night! O Lord Jesus Christ, while we are waiting here to-night in silence, may thy voice be heard. May there be many here who may hear the mild and tender voice of Jesus say, "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." May the weary find rest to-night; may the blind find their sight to-night, and may the hearts of infidels be touched and the hearts of skeptics be moved, and may there be many that shall be born into thy kingdom to-night. O God, hear our cry and answer our prayer, for Jesus' sake. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray thee to open our darkened ears that we may understand thy word; and may the truth sink down deep into all oar hearts. May every one within these walls become partakers of the grace of God. We pray that to-day thou wilt give us wisdom and light. O God! teach us how to break the bread of life to this perishing multitude; and may there be many today crying to God for mercy. Grant that many to-day may be willing to accept of Christ, to accept of the unspeakable gift of God. We pray for thy blessing to rest on all those who have lately come out on thy side. May they grow in grace and wisdom and knowledge, and not turn back to the dark world they have come from. And we pray for those that have been brought by the Spirit under the conviction of sin. May the way be made so plain to-day that they may now lay hold of eternal life and live. And thy name, blessed Savior, shall have the praise and glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee for all the blessings we have received from thy bountiful hand during the weeks we have passed within these walls. We thank thee for all thou art doing in our midst. And now we come again to pray that thou wilt do greater things to-night than any night we have met here. We pray that the Spirit of prayer may be in this assembly; that the spirit of curiosity may be laid aside, and that there may be one united wave of prayer go to heaven to-night, that thy Word may be blest to all that are strangers to grace. We know that we cannot raise their dead souls to the light of life; we cannot give the blind their sight, nor make the deaf hear, nor the dumb speak. But we pray that the Holy Spirit to-night may unstop the deaf ears, that they may hear the glorious news of the gospel to-night. We pray for those who are weary and heavy laden, that they may cast down their burdens at the feet of Jesus; and that they may hear the meek and gentle voice of the Lord Jesus saying, "Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest," May the weary find rest here to-night; and if there are any that are heavy laden on account of sin, may they accept the Lamb of God to-night, who taketh away the sin of the world. May they look to him as their Lord and Savior. O Lord, we pray that the scales may fall from their eyes, and that they may see the Son of God, in all his glory and loveliness. In this hour, in this assembly, there may be some who have friends who have fallen; some who are mourning over loved ones stricken down by death; others there may be who are struggling with the evil one to-night, disheartened and discouraged. O Son of God thou blessed Savior, wilt thou reveal thyself to each one, that they may cast their burdens upon thee to-night, and lift up their hearts to thee for thy blessing. We pray that every heart may be open to-night, and be ready to receive the blessing from on high; that every hungry and thirsty soul may be brought to the waters of eternal life, and be filled. May thy blessing rest, O Lord, upon these inquirers here to-night, seeking to find the way to Jesus. May the power of the Holy Spirit be revealed to them to-night; and may they accept thee as their Savior. We pray that thy blessing may rest upon the meeting to-morrow noon, and those who come here to pray for the intemperate. May a power from on high come upon those men and set them free, and may their fetters be snapped asunder. May the spirit of the Lord God come upon these men in the city of Boston who are hastening down to a drunkard's grave and making their homes dark and desolate. O Lord, look in pity upon them, and stretch out thy right arm and save them. May we see wonderful things here to-morrow, O Son of God. Plead thy cause and -make bare thy arm to save; and thy name shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thr blessing may rest on each one in this assembly to-night. We pray thee that the careless may heed the words spoken here to-night; that the indifferent may be aroused from their sins; and when they go home may they ponder on the revelation of the law of which they have heard, and at last may they be led to look upon the Lord as their Savior and Master. O Lord God of grace, hear our prayer; answer our cry and save souls to-night by the hundreds and thousands. We ask thy blessing on the words spoken to-night. We know there may be many here with murder in their hearts, but may the words spoken burn down deep into their hearts, till they repent and are saved; and may the power of God be felt throughout this assembly to-night. We ask thy blessing on all the meetings to follow this service-the boys' inquiry meeting, the young men's meeting in the Berkeley Street Church; and as we go to the Clarendon Street Church, may the captives of sin we find there go free. And thy name shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we pray that thy blessing may rest upon all that have assembled in this hail at this hour; and that every man in this assembly that is without God and without hope in this dark world may be convicted of his sin at this hour. We pray that the Holy Ghost may do his work; and that there may be many that shall look back, in after years, to this hour and this hail, as the time and place where they became children of God and heirs of eternal life. We pray that thou wilt bless them; and wilt thou bless the gospel that shall be spoken this afternoon, and may it reach many hearts. May there be many led by the Spirit of God, this day, to the cross of Christ, there to cast their burden and their guilt upon him who came into the world to put away the sins of the world by the sacrifice of himself. And may there be many here who shall hear the loving voice of the Good Shepherd saying unto them, "Come unto me all ye that are burdened and heavy laden, and I will give you rest;" and may those that are burdened and heavy laden find rest in Christ to-day. May those that are cast down on account of their sins, this day be lifted up by the gospel of Jesus Christ. And, O God, we pray thee that thou wouldst snap the fetters that bind them and set the poor bondsmen free to-day; and may this be the day that they shall come unto thee. And thy name shall have the power and the glory forever. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee that thou dost answer prayer; that thou didst hear the cry of Saul, when from the depths of the heart he prayed "Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?" We thank thee that thou didst hear the prayer of the poor Publican, "God be merciful to me a sinner," and didst send him to his house justified; that thou didst save Peter, as he was sinking in the water, when he cried unto thee, "Save, Lord, or I perish!" O God, there are many here who are sinking in the waters of affliction and trouble. In their darkness and trial, O Son of God, help them; and as they cry unto thee, reach out thine almighty hand and save them. May the rich blessing of thy salvation fall upon them as they cry, with the thief on the cross, "Lord, remember me;" and may many hearts be led to the Savior and profess Christ and him crucified. And help us, who call ourselves by thy name, O Lord, to love thee more. May we be as beacon lights in this dark world, so that none may stumble because of us. Son of God, advance thy kingdom here; and as we draw near the close of these meetings, hear us as we once more lift up our hearts to thee in prayer, that these closing meetings may be the best we have ever had. We pray that every unsaved soul here may accept salvation to-night. O Lord, open the eyes of all such to night. Cause the scales to fall from their eyes, that they may see, as did Saul, the power of God. Be with us as we go to yonder inquiry-room; bless the after meetings abundantly; and thy name shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
Our Heavenly Father, we thank thee that thou hast made the way of life so plain, and bast said that all may be saved by trusting in thee. We pray that all this vast assembly here to-night may put their trust in thee. If any man who is a sinner shall come to thee this night with all his sins and lay them at thy feet, and dost trust thee, thou wilt put them away. We pray for all these fathers and mothers not born of the spirit, that they may put their trust in thee; and may these Christians this night, while we pray, be led to lay hold of the Lord Jesus and live, and may they commence anew to trust thee, arid may they gather their children into the ark and fold of Christ, that they may be with them in glory. We pray that thy blessing may rest richly on all who are gathered here this hour. As we go to the inquiry-room tonight, mayst thou go with us; and give us heavenly wisdom to-night to point these souls in the way to Christ. And as we talk with them, may there be many who may believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to-night and be saved. May many have their names written in heaven, to-night. O Son of God, we pray that thy arm may be bared to save these precious souls. Thou knowest how sin deceives them, how Satan blinds them, how they are made captives and led astray. Oh, may the Spirit of God come upon this assembly; may the power of the Holy Spirit fall upon us now, and make this place terribly solemn on account of thy presence. We pray for the scoffers and the skeptics here to-night, who are making light of what they hear. May some arrow from God's Word sink down into their hearts, so these lost and ruined ones may cry to God for mercy, to-night. We pray for all those who have come here out of curiosity. May the Spirit of God search them out to-night, and lead them from their sins to thee, from themselves to Christ. We pray that thou wilt bless us now as we separate; and if we never meet this audience again on the shores of time, may we meet at last at thy right hand, where is peace forever. May thy blessing rest upon all these meetings tonight; the boys' meeting, the men's meeting, the inquiry meeting, and Christ shall have the praise and the glory. Amen.
O God, we ask thy blessing upon all before us, but wilt thou especially bless our dear brother who is now passing through the deep waters of affliction. Grant, O Lord, that when he is tempted by the evil one away from the home of that little the gate, that he may see that to yield he must give up meeting his dear little one in the heavenly home. O God, may he receive grace from thee. There is not a man here but needs Christ, and we come to thee to-day, O our Father, that Jesus may come to every one here. We pray for those who have come here not expecting a great blessing. May our hearts be singing and go on through life singin praises unto thee. May the new life be planted here, O God, an as the beautiful golden hours go flitting away, may they be full of blessings. We ask it all for the dear Redeemer's sake. Amen.
--Prayers as recorded in "The Gospel Awakenings, Sermons and Addresses, Prayer-Meeting Talks and Bible Readings of the Great Revival Meetings Conducted by Moody and Sankey," pp.721-733. Published in 1885.
Dwight L. Moody / Billy Sunday
Notes from Dwight L. Moody Prayer Meetings ... The Right Spirit by Dwight L. Moody, Chicago, 1877
Notes from Dwight L. Moody Prayer Meetings ... Prayer and Daniel by Dwight L. Moody, Chicago, 1877
Notes from Dwight L. Moody Prayer Meetings ... Heart-Searching by Dwight L. Moody, Chicago, 1877
Notes from Dwight L. Moody Prayer Meetings ... Getting Ready and Unleavened Bread by Dwight L. Moody, Chicago, 1877
Notes from Dwight L. Moody Prayer Meetings ... Give God the Glory by Dwight L. Moody, Chicago, 1877
Notes from Dwight L. Moody Prayer Meetings ... The Disciple's Prayer by Dwight L. Moody, Chicago, 1877
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