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“Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth:
therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty” —Job 5:17
Spiritual Helps |
The Truth |
Helpful Things |
A trusted man is a tested man! * * * * * * * Ephesians 5:25, “Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave Himself for it.”
Man May Work from Sun to Sun;
Any idiot can face a crisis, it's this day-to-day living that wears me out.
Hell is Real!
“God will still use you, I
don't care what you've done!”
—an encouraging quote from the MP3 sermon by Dr.
Jack Hyles titled, “If
Thou Should Mark Iniquities, Who Could Stand?”
“If there's
anybody in the Bible that God had disdain for, it was those that had
disdain for other sinners!”
—an awesome quote from the MP3 sermon by Dr.
Jack Hyles titled, “If
Thou Should Mark Iniquities, Who Could Stand?”
It's never easy to do the hard thing, but “a poor man is better than a liar” (Proverbs 19:22). What HAPPENS in the Facebook STAYS in the Facebook! (warning to all users) 'FACEBOOK' a Top Cause of Relationship Trouble and Divorce in America StartingPage Search Engine Doesn't Spy On You Husbands talk man talk, and wives talk woman talk, and the two languages often conflict; but Jesus Christ is the harmonious interpreter! Great Recipes
...Go Catabolic!
He That Winneth Souls Sword of the Lord |
God's Words Will Always Be Inspired!
Are You A Practicing Communist?
can live with Anybody if they can learn to be a Nobody.
“For if a man think himself to be something, when
he is
nothing, he deceiveth himself.”
(HollyWEIRD, San FranSICKO, CaliFORNICATION... why
should God bless this filthy cesspool of iniquity?
Proverb 9:13, “A foolish woman is clamourous:
Do you know your
amendment rights?
survey of 339 U.S. colleges and universities
found that more than three-fourths of students and administrators did
not fully understand their
1st amendment rights!
We are slowly, but surely,
losing our rights! Jesus became
angry over evil, and so must we as Christians!)
So many people have cancer throughout the world today, and yet the people
have been deceived into thinking that drugs is the only way. It's not even
THE way. Drugs will make you even more sick.
Revelation 18:23 says that Babylon has deceived then nations with her
"sorceries". That word sorceries in the original Greek is "pharmakeia",
which is where the word pharmaceutical comes from. The world has been
deceived by the "pharmaceuticals" of Babylon.
There is a way to cure cancer and it is a natural drug free way! The
natural foods and lifestyle that our Heavenly Father has given us.
Personally, I'd rather die of cancer than allow doctors to poison and burn
me with chemotherapy, which will certainly make me sick and likely kill
me! Instead, drastically change your diet.