This is a random MP3 playlist of 3,336 life-changing sermons and Bible studies by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001). Each time this webpage loads, a different sermon will play. Prepare to receive a blessing!!!
*Note: Due to various reasons (licensing,
a missing
plug-in, a missing security certificate, et cetera) some browsers won't play streaming MP3 audio. If the
embedded player below doesn't appear on your browser, then you can
can manually select amongst over a thousand awesome
sermons by
Dr. Hyles |
Page 2
| Page 3
| Page 4
| Page 5
| Page 6.
more sermons and
Also, I
had installed the free "Comodo" Anti-virus program, but it caused all
kinds of problems. When I went to open an MP3, it said "Site is under
construction" or "Not available," but it wasn't true. Comodo was the
problem, so I removed it. If you click on the 3 dots
below, there is an option to download each sermon that is now playing;
or you can just right mouse click anywhere on the player box to "Save
audio as."
Bible preaching helps us think right!
“The world will go to Hell unless somebody is authoritative!”
I hope and pray with all my heart that some of my web visitors will listen
to Pastor Hyles' preaching on a regular basis. That's why I have made this
convenient link. Each time you visit my ministry, just click on the
“And How Shall They Hear Without A Preacher?” image
on the top of the “Recent Articles” page, or
save this webpage as one of your favorite bookmarks in
your browser. This is the Lord's ministry, not
mine! Colossians 4:17, “Take heed to the ministry which thou hast
received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it.” Pastor Hyles taught that
when you find some work that you are passionate about, you have found
God's work for your life. I am passionate about my website ministry!!! Each time this WEBPAGE loads, a different random sermon will play. If you
allow the window to stay open without refreshing the webpage, the same
sermon will play repeatedly if you'd like to hear it again (which I often
like to do). Just click on the triangular “PLAY” button to play the
sermon again. This convenient random playback feature is made possible by
using JavaScript computer code. I thank God for helping me since 2002
to figure out enough about computer code, so that I can make a ministry
website. By God's grace I have done so. If you really like
a sermon that you hear and don't want to lose it, for Google Chrome, simply
right-mouse-click to the right of the black arrow on the player and then
click “Save audio as.” Each browser is a little different, but you can save
all of these sermons, and I hope you will save many of them. We all need
Bible preaching! If you are unable to download a particular sermon, just
email me with the title or file name of the sermon and I'll gladly email you
the MP3. And for those of you who want all the sermons, like me, you can use
an open source freeware program called
Cyotek to download
entire websites. The software is completely free to download and use.
One thing about Dr. Hyles that stands out in my mind,
like nothing else, is that he valued the INDIVIDUAL! Dr. Hyles always made
people feel like they mattered to him. I was privileged to attend
Hyles-Anderson College (HAC) at age 18. I graduated at age 26 in 1993. What
a blessing! Thank you Jesus!!! I remember on one particular Sunday morning
after the service ended, that I walked by Dr. Hyles as he headed toward his
office, and I was headed for my ministry bus. Dr. Hyles was escorted by his
security guard and several men. Brother Hyles could have easily been
preoccupied in his mind, too busy for a nobody like me, distracted by his
superstar status as pastor of America's Largest Bus Ministry! But that
beautiful man looked at me with a gleam in his eye, making me feel like he
saw something in me, and I left feeling special because Dr. Hyles showed me
respect as an individual.
Details were important to Brother Hyles. To him the
most important job was the one that didn't get done. Dr. Hyles was the first
to admit that he wasn't perfect, and he made plenty of mistakes, but he
tried to do better and he cared. Dr. Hyles often said publicly that he
doesn't claim to be a good Christian, but he did spend quality time walking
with God and preparing sermons to feed his church congregation. So many
people are superficial, shallow and ultimately only care about them self.
Philippians 2:5, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also
on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ
Jesus:” If you spend time walking with God, you will care about
individuals, not just the group.
As I often do on Sundays, when I got home from church
I listened to some preaching.
I just listened to Brother Hyles preach a sermon
called: “The
Most Important Preparation For A Happy Old Age.” I
hope you will tale the time to listen to this precious sermons. If you want
to be happy in your old age, then stay busy for God in your youth serving
Jesus Christ, sharing the Gospel and loving on hurting people, and then
you'll be able to clip coupons when you grow old.
Pastor Jack Hyles was the greatest preacher of the 20th
century. His spirit lives on worldwide in the hearts of those who sat under
his preaching for any length of time. You too can sit under Dr. Hyles'
preaching. First Baptist Church was so big in attendance that many people
had to listen via speaker-phone from side rooms, mezzanines, the hallway, et
cetera. Women working in the church nursery listened on speaker-phone. Audio
tapes were made for shut-ins who were confined to home, and for those who
wanted a copy of the sermon. You can hear the
same exact sermons and be blessed from hearing the best preaching you'll
ever hear. First Baptist Church of Hammond during Dr. Hyles 42-year
pastorate was without a doubt the greatest New Testament Church since the
early church in the book of Acts.
Please understand that NOTHING ought to be as important in
our daily life as the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. Dr. Hyles' often told
others in his preaching not to rely upon his books for daily devotions; but
read the undiluted message from God in the Bible. Brother Hyles spends
an entire sermon addressing this issue of misplaced worship in the MP3
message titled, “DOWN
IN FRONT.” The apostle Paul told others to follow him, even as he
followed Jesus. 1st Corinthians 11:1, “Be ye followers of me, even as
I also am of Christ.” It's ok to follow a man if he's going in the
right direction and you don't worship him. Hence, there's not a greater
preacher in my opinion in the history of the New Testament Church than
Pastor Jack Hyles, whose life from beginning to end was a testimony of the
grace of God. America needs more Jack Hyles!!! Albeit, I want all my web
visitors to fully understand that nothing nor anyone can replace Jesus
Christ in our daily life. HEAR
YE HIM! As a Born-again Christian I love
the truth. I'm so glad that I am on the winning side in Christ Jesus. There
is no peace like being in harmony with the Scriptures. Anyone can obey God
if they so choose in their heart.
It is a choice that we all must make. I am on the Lord's side (Joshua
the photo to the right, you can see that Brother Hyles looks so tired. He
looks exhausted. Dr. Hyles worked day and night to help others in the Lord.
I heard a sermon this week, where Dr. Hyles said he counsels an average of
147 people per week. Pastor Hyles performed literally several thousand
funerals and weddings, flew millions of miles around the nation preaching
the truth of God's Word, administrated a church ministry with over 500 staff
members, and still took the time to be a friend to his friends, and do all
the wonderful little things that made him such a great man. America has been
so blessed by God, to have had a great man of God like Dr. Jack Hyles. I'm so glad that I have hundreds of Pastor Hyles' sermons and books.
Titus 1:3, “But hath in due times manifested his word through preaching.”
There are people who won't listen to preaching of the true men of God,
because they've heard criticisms about those preachers. Yeah, well, they
called Jesus a liar, bastard and lunatic!
Those fools are burning in Hell this moment for their sin of unbelief. Where
will you spend eternity? Don't let some hateful critic rob you of God's
blessings in your life. This wicked generation deliberately ignores the
truth, just as in Noah's day (Matthew 24:37-38). The servant is not greater
than his Master. If they still slander the good, innocent and holy Lord
Jesus Christ, then they're certainly going to crucify God's imperfect men as
People have
been taught by the insane newsmedia to look for the bad in everything and
then steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). American society has become a
bloodbath of hypocrisy, cutthroat journalism and deception. I cringe when I
hear the phrase from Superman, about “truth, justice and the American
way.” What a lie! The American way is to steal, kill and destroy. Brother
Hyles preached the truth, taught his congregation about justice (see Bible studies
below), and did everything in his lifetime to preserve the American way of
life from a time when America had character, decency and patriotism.
People today are as commodities. We live in a throw away society. Just like
everything else, we don't repair things anymore, we throw them away and get
new ones. Don't like your spouse? No problem, just throw them away and go
get another one. Not ready for children? No problem, just throw them away
and get new ones when you decide to have kids.
Hyles' preaching always had a perfect blend of truth, humor,
Christ-likeness, love for people and hatred for sin. I
wish everyone could have known Brother Hyles, which is why I am diligently
sharing his books and sermons. Dr. Hyles gave his life to Jesus
Christ. He was willing to be politically incorrect. Brother Hyles used to
say, “We don't give out menus around here. You just hold out your plate and
we fork it over.” That's the way God wrote the Bible. God makes no apologies
for being brutally honest and direct in His Word, and neither should we. The
truth is what it is!
God is still
doing a mighty work through Brother Hyles' sermons, Bible studies, videos and books. It's important
to keep His sermons alive. I encourage others to share Dr. Hyles sermons
with your loved ones. You can
download hundreds
more of MP3's HERE. Dr. Hyles' preaching is unique, heartfelt and unsurpassed
in American history. I wouldn't give you a dime for all the junk theology
being sold on the market today. Pastor Hyles' sermons and books are all
free!!! Brother Hyles'
spent the remaining decades of his life defending the
(the inspiration of the King James Bible), the
(the literal, physical,
sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ to the Mercy Seat in Heaven), and the
BODY (the
importance of the local New Testament Church). I wouldn't give you a dime
for any so-called preacher who doesn't believe the BOOK, the BLOOD and the
BODY! Here below are some
fascinating MP3 (or Real Audio) Wednesday night Bible
study series by Brother Hyles on various topics. Please note that you'll
need to click on pause or stop on the player at the top of this page if
you'd like to hear any of these. Otherwise you'll have two sermons playing
at once. You can right mouse-click to download (save) any of the files
below to your computer...
Justice “Did you know, that
nothing reveals immaturity in Christ as much as one Christian not loving
another; One Christian not speaking to another; One Christian not praying
for another; One Christian being unkind to another; One Christian
criticizing another.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, a quote from the sermon titled: “The
One Single Thing That Jesus Wants Most For His Own” “This guy doesn't
need you to kick him out, he needs you to hug him in!” —Pastor Jack Hyles, a
quote from the Bible study titled: “Justice
- Part 12”
“Fundamentalists don't change, people quit being fundamentalists!” —Pastor Jack
Church Bible Studies on the Church (MP3)
13 Bible Studies on the Church (REAL
13 Bible Studies on Proverbs (MP3)
26 Bible Studies on Proverbs (REAL
26 On a technical note for those interested, I used software available from, which converts
any Real Audio file into an MP3 file. MP3's are more versatile,
popular and convenient to use. This is how I made all the MP3's of Dr.
Hyles' Bible studies below, which were originally rendered as Real Audio
files. MP3's are larger in size, which is no longer an issue with today's
advanced technology (larger disk storage) as compared to several years ago.
I wanted to share this with you, just in case you may have Real Audio
files that you'd like to convert into MP3 files. God bless and enjoy!
The Saved, Crucified, Resurrected And Ascended Life
Only three preachers have ever seen a million people walk the isles to
receive Jesus Christ as Savior—Dwight Moody, Billy Sunday and Jack
Hyles! In this sermon titled: “A
Good Old Age,” Brother Hyles shares some interesting history. As a
young man he was offered a contract as a short-stop with the Dodgers
baseball team, but turned it down because he was going to be a preacher!
Thank God that Jack Hyles humbly chose to be a preacher!!!
Ecclesiastes 11:1, “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find
it after many days.”
It's Not The Shedding Of Jesus' Blood That Saves, But The 'SPRINKLING' Of
That Shed Blood
Dr. John R. Rice
(1895-1980) and Brother Hyles (1926-2001)
“Be nice to everyone,
because everybody is having a tough time.”
Knows The Way Through The Wilderness, All I Have To Do Is FOLLOW (MP4
| Lyrics)
“I want to train you men,
to be my voice when I'm gone! ...I don't want
the truth I've
tried to preach
here in
this pulpit and
around the nation to die!”
—Pastor Jack Hyles, “I
Am A Voice” - Time 27:10)
Helping the Wounded, Both
Guilty and Innocent “The same attention is given to
the guilty, that's given to the innocent. I wish Christians were that way. A
gun battle takes place—a criminal and a police officer—that criminal is shot
in the gun battle, and so is the police officer. They both are critically
wounded. The paramedics come. They give the same attention to that criminal,
that they give to that police officer. Why? It's not their job to help the
innocent wounded, it's their job to help the wounded. Sometimes they'll put
a man in the hospital room, have an armed guard at his door, and have
doctors on the inside trying to save his life. Do you know why, because the
medical profession is not the judicial profession. You'll never hear a
better statement than that! I wish Christians were like that... THE MEDICAL
PROFESSION IS NOT THE JUDICIAL PROFESSION! The medical profession is given
to the healing of bodies—all bodies—self-inflicted wounds, as well as
others-inflicted wounds! I wish Christians were like that.”
—Pastor Jack Hyles,
a beautiful quote from the Christ-honoring sermon titled, “The
Hurting Sinner Hurts Just As Much As The Hurting Saint.”
Four Calls
To Soulwinning Video
* *
* *
* *
“I would not give, knowingly, one thin dime to a
college that does not believe in the verbal inspiration of this Book I hold tonight.”
—Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), from the timeless sermon,
preached October 11, 1981 * *
* *
* *
* Salvation is not doing your best, it is having Christ's best put to
your account through receiving Him by faith. * *
* *
* *
“Yes, Jesus is Lord. He is Lord of the universe,
and, of course, we believe that He is Lord. However, to believe that
in order to be saved one must make Him the Lord of his life is just
another form of salvation by works.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, “Lordship
Salvation - An Enemy of Soulwinning” * *
* *
* *
* “You'd be shocked
if you knew, how the versions of the Bible that are coming out, which are so unnecessary
and not even Bible. You'd be shocked if you knew what they're doing
to cause Christian people to feel subconsciously unstable. You'd be shocked if
you knew what it's doing to the nervous system of our people! All these Bibles!”
—Pastor Jack Hyles, MP3 sermon, “Don't
Chase The Pendulum”
The Gift Of Eternal Life Is Wrapped In The Wonderful Package Of Jesus
Meaningful Quotes By
Evangelist Bob Jones Sr.
The Gospel In Just One Minute
(by Pastor Max D. Younce)
1st Corinthians 16:24, “My love be with you
all in Christ Jesus. Amen.”
Dr. Jack Hyles
said, “Preaching is truth set on fire!” and “Preaching is the fire in the
pulpit melting the ice in the pew!” Brother Hyles pastored
churches for over 55-years, leading millions of people to Jesus Christ as
their personal Savior. From 1959 until 2001 (when he went to be with
the Lord), Dr. Hyles faithfully pastored the First Baptist Church of
Hammond (FBCH), Indiana for over 42-years. Dr. Hyles flew over 9,000,000
miles to help do his part to save America! Over 1,000,000 people walked down
the isles during an invitation to receive Christ as their personal Savior!
Thank God for the faithful First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, then
and now!
In 1971 the lone copy of Dwight L. Moody's preaching from
his lifetime was discovered. Just ONE
recording. Thankfully, thousands of sermons are available from Dr. Jack
Hyles' ministry. Could you imagine if we had thousands of recordings today
of Dwight Moody who lived and preached over 100-years ago? A greater
preacher and pastor than Dwight L. Moody was Pastor Jack Hyles!!! If the
Lord tarries His return, pastor Hyles' recordings will be here for coming
generations to benefit from.
Stop and look at American society today. We live in a cesspool of slander,
child murder, adultery, immodesty, perversion, criticism and hatred of people. The
internet is a sewer of gossip and tearing each other down. If that's you,
then why don't you get
your heart right with God! If the hypocritical people who love to roast
preachers would apply the same scrutiny to their own favorite sport's
athletes, singers and authors, no one would have any heroes. The truth is that
we are living in a wicked world that despises those who are good, just
as 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 foretold in the Last Days. When you are a Christian the
whole world is waiting for you to fall.
God deliver us from the Devil's lie that we'll never reach people for the
Lord by stepping all over their toes. My friend, that is THE ONLY WAY to
reach people for Jesus Christ, for to reach them any other way is to draw
them to worldliness, compromise and under false pretense. If homosexuals will
not come to the God of the King James Bible, then you're not going to reach
them for Christ by butchering the Bible, holding hands and singing KUMBAYA!
To Sanctification; Or, The Root Of All Heresy!”; an awesome
MP3 sermon by Dr. Jack Hyles -
Read Article)
(Dr. Jack Hyles, MP3; The Alexandrian Bible
revision crowd are God's enemies!)
(Dr. Jack Hyles, MP3; Standing alone, even amongst
independent Baptists)
—The Pastor's Study broadcast, Dr. Jack
Hyles (1926-2001)
(Dr. Jack Hyles, MP3; Where are the 7,000 faithful
believers who have not bowed their knee to Baal?)