The Madness Of MADD
By Pastor Dean Robinson
ust recently in Austin, Texas, during the monthly meeting of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, a group of representatives and members of MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) met with the commission to protest against "happy hours." "Happy hour" may be defined where a bar or restaurant offers reduced-price drinks during a specific hour on a particular day. There is nothing "happy" about it when you consider the curse that alcohol has brought upon the entire human race.
A woman who was part of the MADD organization appeared before the commission in protest of happy hour because her 19-year old son was killed in a one-car crash in 1987 after going to an Austin bar during happy hour. His blood alcohol was more than twice the legal limit. This grieving mother testified before the commission: "I know that if he had not drunk so much that night, he would have made it home alive."
I feel sorry for those who have lost friends and family members as a result of drunk driving and drunk drivers. I agree that there is a need to eradicate drunk driving and keep drunks off our streets. We should eliminate all "happy hours." But the main focus of our protest and campaign ought to be against the sale, manufacture, and use of the satanic slop itself. Quoting from Earl F. Dodge in the National Statesman, he said: "Efforts to deal with the results of the consumption of beverage alcohol such as a crackdown on drinking drivers and rehabilitation programs are needed. But none of these deal with the cause of the problems." MADD and the woman whose son was killed in Austin should have been upset, not just because this 19-year old got himself drunk during happy hour, but because he was drinking, period!
It seems hypocritical to me that organizations such as MADD, SADD (Student Against Drunk Driving) and others vigorously protest and object to drunk driving but yet see nothing wrong with drinking intoxicating alcoholic beverages. The only sure guarantee against drunk driving and drunk drivers is total abstinence. If everyone would be obedient to the teaching of God’s Word regarding this matter of drinking, there would be no alcohol problem today in America.
The number one drug problem in our nation is alcohol. According to a report by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, there is compelling evidence "that alcohol must finally become a primary target in America’s so-called ‘war on drugs.’ " Over 10 million adults show symptoms of alcoholism and 7.2 million more are alcohol abusers. Nearly half of all traffic deaths are alcohol-related. Drunk drivers are eight times more likely than sober drivers to have a fatal crash. Twenty-five percent of those hospitalized have alcohol-related problems. Alcohol abuse and dependence will cost the country over $136 billion. Experts in the study of alcohol and its effects say 100,000 deaths a year are due to alcohol.
For all its carnage and human misery, alcohol is still a "legal" drug. Controlling illegal drugs is very difficult when legal drugs like alcohol and cigarettes are so freely available and widely defended. Because it is not often considered a drug, alcohol is all the more dangerous and deadly.
The 1986 National Institute on Drug Abuse Survey of High School Seniors, conducted by Dr. Lloyd Johnston, University of Michigan, revealed that 91 percent of high school seniors had used alcohol at least once; 54.9 percent admitted they used it before the 10th grade; 62 percent thought binge drinking (five or more drinks in a row) was okay to do once or twice on the weekend; 75 percent did not think it is a great risk to take a drink or two every day.
Despite the fact that alcohol is the number one killer of the young, only one teenager out of four consider it a dangerous drug. Two out of three think cigarette smoking pose a greater risk. Among our young people, regular use of alcohol is nearly 3 times more common than regular use of marijuana and 10 times more common than cocaine use. Alcohol kills 30 times as many young people as all other drugs combined.
The logical and reasonable thing for Mothers Against Drunk Driving to do is to change their logo from MADD to MAD–Mothers Against Drinking. Abraham Lincoln once said that alcohol was "a cancer in human society, eating out its vitals and threatening its destruction." Just remember, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." (Proverbs 20:1). END
If God could hear the voice of Abel's blood crying out to Him from the ground (Genesis 4:10), do you suppose God has missed the cries of the millions of victims of the booze cartel's alcoholic strong drinks?
The Hypocrisy of Alcohol and Drug Laws
They consider those who sell marijuana to be drug dealers, the scourge of society who should be hunted down and imprisoned, while those who sell alcohol (wine makers, grocery stores) are viewed as respectable citizens. Logically speaking, it should be the other way around. Alcohol tends to make many people aggressive, leading to a variety of violent crimes, while marijuana does not. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, and leads to a serious loss of coordination and motor skills. At larger doses, alcohol renders one completely unconscious. Drunk drivers cause enormous numbers of automobile accidents and deaths. Marijuana is not a central nervous system depressant, and while one probably shouldn't drive while intoxicated on anything, it simply does not cause anywhere near the loss of motor control that alcohol does, and is only a fraction as dangerous as alcohol in terms of driving. And, a large enough dose of alcohol can and will kill you, while the same is not true of marijuana. But people are looking at this based on their feelings. Marijuana feels like a drug to them. It's illegal, isn't it? Alcohol feels like a fun beverage. It's legal, and socially acceptable, so it feels ok, so it must be ok. So the same cop who arrests someone for possessing Marijuana, can LEGALLY go home and get plastered on Jim Beam or Jack Daniel's alcohol. All of this is illogical and stupid, and typically human. It is tragic! The American people have proven themselves to be irresponsible when it comes to booze. Our sinful “get down and party” culture promotes boozing and drunkenness. 1st John 3:8, “...For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” |
Driving vs.
Driving vs.
Distracted Driving
Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol! Beer Soaks America (exposing the lying propaganda of the beer
The above picture speaks 1,000 words. The beer industry hypocritically tells teens not to drink alcohol until they are 21, while those same companies saturate American culture with booze, booze, booze! Consequently, underaged drinking is an epidemic problem in America!
“I've stood for more sneers and scoffs and insults and had my life threatened from one end of the land to the other by this God-forsaken gang of thugs and cutthroats because I have come out uncompromisingly against them.” —Billy Sunday
Hear Billy Sunday's "Booze Kills!" (MP3)
Hear Billy Sunday on Prohibition (MP3)
The Salvation of a Nation (by Pastor Jack Hyles)
Jesus and Wine (No, Jesus did NOT make alcoholic wine!)
Watch Billy Sunday preach! | More Sermons by Billy Sunday
Alcohol is the Most Dangerous Drug! | God is Against Alcohol, Period!
The Truth About Booze — Part 1 | The Truth About Booze — Part 2 (Pastor Jeff Owens)
to hear the needful MP3 sermon, Alcohol Public Enemy #1
(by Pastor Danny Castle)
MP3 Sermon |
MP3 with gospel singing before sermon
“I tell you that the curse of God
Almighty is on the saloon.” —Billy Sunday
Jacqueline Saburido (pictured above)
Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol! Beer Soaks America (exposing the lying propaganda of the beer
The above picture speaks 1,000 words. The beer industry hypocritically tells
teens not to drink alcohol until they are 21, while those same companies
saturate American culture with booze, booze, booze! Consequently, underaged
drinking is an epidemic problem in America! Scriptures Condemning Drinking Strong Drink...
Judges 13:4, “Now therefore beware, I pray thee, and
drink not wine nor strong drink, and eat not any unclean thing.”
1st Samuel 1:15, “And Hannah answered and said, No, my lord, I am a
woman of a sorrowful spirit: I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but
have poured out my soul before the LORD.” Proverb:20:1,
“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and
whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” Proverb
31:4, “It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to drink
wine; nor for princes strong drink.” Isaiah 5:22,
unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle
strong drink.”
Isaiah 24:9, “They shall
not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink
Isaiah 28:7, “But they
also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way;
the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are
swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err
in vision, they stumble in judgment.”
“I've stood for
more sneers and scoffs and insults and had my life threatened from
one end of the land to the other by this God-forsaken gang of thugs
and cutthroats because I have come out uncompromisingly against
them.” —Billy Sunday
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." —Proverb 20:1
Only one life 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last.
God is Against Alcohol, Period!
Jacqueline Saburido (pictured above)
“I tell you that the curse of God Almighty is on the saloon.”
Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
—Billy Sunday
"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." ~Proverb 20:1
Hear Billy Sunday's "Booze Kills!" (MP3)
Hear Billy Sunday on Prohibition (MP3)
The Truth About Booze- part 1 (Pastor Jeff Owens)
The Truth About Booze- part 2 (Pastor Jeff Owens)
The Salvation of a Nation (by Pastor Jack Hyles)
The Occult Roots of AA (Alcoholic's Anonymous)
Here's a Christian alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous...
Founded in 1948, Alcoholics Victorious support groups offer a safe environment where recovering people who recognize Jesus Christ as their "Higher Power" gather together and share their experience, strength and hope. AV meetings use both the 12 Steps and the Alcoholics Victorious Creed.
There is Hope!
Jacqueline Saburido
(pictured above)
“Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.” —Proverb 20:1
“Whiskey and beer are all right in their place, but their place is in hell.” —Billy Sunday
“The man who votes for the saloon is pulling on the same rope with the devil, whether he knows it or not.” —Billy Sunday
Teens Drink One-Fifth of U.S. Alcohol!
Beer Soaks America
the lying propaganda of the beer industry)